
@darkanimematt: You could just wrap them up with thousands of little twist ties. :P

@Jafro: Oh, thats easy. Its just two letters. P-I

@jchen1: It's Actually Floccinaucinihilipilification

@hhumbert: I think eventually they'll run into this problem (skip to the end for the relevant part)

@darkanimematt: Cheater!!!! Besides hundreds of miles of wire would be a lot more fun to play with than some dumb capacitors. Just ask the people who put in the transatlantic cable.

@hayhayhayyy: So what if we put them in a tank of Hydrogen. Thats like oxygen-less water... sort of, maybe, kinda not at all. Still be fun to see though

@daqman: I see what you did there.

@tripdragon: I['m just waiting until we find 42 encoded on in our DNA.

@meske: Except there are no reliable studies confirming that cell phones, or for that matter other signal types, cause cancer. Also, even if cell phones cause cancer they output powerful signals that can reach miles away and are generally within inches of your head. While this appears to have more bandwidth than a

@dibs ODDJOB: well then obviously the simplest, but EXTREMELY unpractical (and quite likely impossible), way to do this is have them hooked up in series with several miles of wire between each one. the wire could be extremely thin and wrapped up so you'd never notice. Of course it would be lots of fun trying to find

@Settings: Its all a matter of statistics. If you send out 100 million messages and it costs you $.0001 for each (based on server and electricity costs) and you get .0001% of people to buy or pay for your service/product at $20. You just paid $10,000 and earned $200,000

@xulong: I agree. It really annoys me when people say don't go to [insert major gas company here] because this company did such and such which is terrible. BP gas stations don't have to buy gas from BP, the same with most (but not all) other gas companies. Also, technically it isn't a franchise because a franchise

@pezeveng319: Unfortunately this wouldn't work on a bike because turning on a bike, generally, doesn't involve one wheel turning faster than the other. Depending on how you attached the gears, it would either spin constantly, or not at all. I could be wrong but thats just how it makes sense to me.

@venc: Thats what birthday suit means. The clothes you were born in. Thus BIRTHday suit.

@pettiblay: Sorry to be "that guy" but technically it would just be 0 Kelvin. Temperature on the Kelvin scale is measured in Kelvin not degrees like Fahrenheit or Celcius.

I can't believe no one has posted this yet. Also ass-TV :)