
@Trolland Rhodes: Actually if it was 20-50% too high that would mean 20 - 50% of the lower estimate. It would be closer to 3.25-4.1 million. Sorry some people are grammar nazis. I got stuck with being the math nazi.

@Stem_Sell: Of course you could kill them if you have incompatible blood types.

My question is about the delay. If the planes are engaging enemy planes, with pilots, in combat, isn't there a delay between the signal being sent and the plane receiving and processing this information? That extra half seconds could make the difference between getting shot or crashing into something

@Perk-i: It would need to be a huge ship for spinning it to be practical because the centripetal force exerted on the part of the body closest to the center is more than that of the part farther away. Your feet might experience normal gravity while your head does not.