Are we really sure he was saying feminism was make believe? I got the feeling he was saying that superheroes/movies are make believe. I think it is highly possible it isn't clear what he was referencing there.
Are we really sure he was saying feminism was make believe? I got the feeling he was saying that superheroes/movies are make believe. I think it is highly possible it isn't clear what he was referencing there.
Nothing beats her #PotTot hashtag.
Her tweets always read like she's patrolling her own neighborhood and home seeing things and then sensationalizing everything, complete with a "I know what I saw" mentality.
This is why I'm always the "uptight" girl in the group hyperventilating from fear when someone stands right next to the edge of a tall anything. Once I had a full-on panic attack because my friends and I were watching fireworks on the roof of an apartment building and some of the dudes were standing inches (like three…
I was reading about rattlesnakes and they are saying that most snake bites victims in the Southeast US are: a) men; b) between 18-29; c) intoxicated at the time of contact.
I'm getting married in... shit, less than three months, and I like to think I'm quite reasonable. My take on the matter has always been that everyone else is doing me a favor. Literally nobody else on the face of the planet cares about my wedding as much as I do, and the people who show up anyway - never mind the ones…
Ugh. Berger was the worst. He was a freaking child.
"I might replace her tortoise clip with one of those velvet scrunchies. I love those."
My mom refused to buy me buckles, so I had to make do with scrunchies. Sob stories.
You didn't use the buckle?
No. I will not. I will wear a regular hair elastic because I am not an animal. We did not evolve from the sludge to wear scrunchies.
yet another reason psychics are horrible people.
I was in the mood for a treacly romantic movie so I rewatched it recently, and it was just dreadful. For all the reasons Lindy said, but which are hard to verbalize. I'm so glad she's here to verbalize for us. Thanks Lindy.
Oooh, a thread where I belong! At last!
I've hated it since the first (and, I guess, only) time I saw it years ago. But everyone I know OMGLOVESITSOMUCH. So for years, I've had to keep my hatred of Love Actually to myself. My dark secret. BUT NO LONGER. The world will know that I fucking hate this piece of manipulative, insane, inappropriate, holiday…
I recently told Monsieur he had to watch it to understand the terribleness. He made it for 5 minutes. Then we watched Planet of the Apes.