
Never in the history of all things commerce has a company SOLD OUT SO FUCKING HARD as The North Face.

I want the Puddles Pity Party band to play my my wedding.

This is AMAZING. My favorite is this pic- I just love the peacock. And the veneers.

Honestly, I could care less about his preferences for skin color or weight, etc. These are his preferences and he's welcome to his body hating, racist, dirt-bag viewpoints. It would be nice if he kept them to himself, but whatever. He's also welcome to DIAF and it wouldn't hurt my feelings any.

Jesus fucking H. CHRIST, somebody buy that arrhythmic loser a fucking METRONOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice job taking down the site. Damn you Obama

Ahhhh, yes. So this is the Special Snowflake.

Those teeth are fake right? No one just has teeth like that, right? Guys? I need reassurance or I will have nightmares.

um, mirror site? ( I have no idea what those words actually mean but)

HOLY CHRIST that is amazing.

Holy shit if I can't sleep for the next few weeks so help me god I am tracking you down...

Spiky high heels and miniskirts, but not, like slutty high heels and miniskirts. Just average high heels and miniskirts.

I like a girl that likes Random capitalization. If she does not randomly Capitalize, it is not a deal breaker, but my ex girlfriend of Eleven years liked it.

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.

Be careful following those links. I first saw this next Tuesday, clicked, and now I'm back here.

Yep. Do you expect anything else?