What type of update support will you need for a backup camera?
Careless driving is also often called "Failure to maintain control". An accident is a giant rock falling off the back of a truck and you running into it. Careless driving is you driving down a clear road with no hazards and hitting a tree. Whatever you were doing, you did something wrong.
It's scary that as an automotive journalist you're this misinformed.
Actually, no. Studies have shown that you're much more distracted when you are talking on Bluetooth-type setups, a passenger acts as a second set of eyes (well, assuming vision-abled passenger) and you tend to adjust your conversation more to road conditions, and they shut up and point out hazards. NYtimes blog…
No, that is not true.
Studies have repeatedly shown that it's the attention to the caller that is the problem; not actually holding the phone. Hands free might make you legal, but it doesn't make you safe.
"Here's a nice picture my son drew."
Most of us fear losing control of our car while driving during the winter. The video above from Auto Express presents a real world comparison of winter and summer tires. Winter tires are built with a rubber compound that stays pliable in cold weather, which causes enhanced traction. The video shows that you'll have…
What's the point of a driverless car if the person inside has to constantly be monitoring how the car is driving and looking out for when they need to take over? May as well just be driving the car if that's the case.
For those that don't want to dig through their website to find regular pricing (25% off in parenthesis) :
I can't wait for press conferences with extreme chatterboxes Vettel & Raikkonen.
Ofcourse, you want to have the car go the way that you steer... But what most people forget, is the basic law of physics that any car has to obey to.
You are wrong on all counts. The car is transitioning into oversteer during the first lane change so the front left brake applied to counter the rotation. It straightened the car out in time to make the return change. Cut corners? With software!? Bullshit. The reaction may have felt strange, maybe, but wrong? No! The…
Ok getting their 45 minutes early is pushing the limit. But F airlines, the man paid for a seat, he gets to ride. This crap that airlines can overbook is just fraud.
Engineer here that has read significantly on this topic, including foreign studies on traffic calming measures. Yes, because bringing pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers into closer and more "intimate" quarters pulls the drivers back into feeling responsible for not only other cars but the aforementioned cyclists and…
Sounds like a reasoned argument.
Um. Your ridiculous conclusion aside, restricting lane width doesn't have to be a physical barrier, just a marked one. My hometown has started implementing narrower lane markings for most residential streets, and many commercial ones, without any outcry from commercial traffic.
Do you honestly think the flow of…
Or, maybe they would do less of those things because of the newly perceived danger associated with a narrower lane. The wider lanes is what allows them to pull that sort of shitshow stunts.
Not to be a total pedant, but it would be the first F1 driver death since Senna.