Yup. This way there are no new cars ever. And Tavarish can keep telling people to make shitty financial decisions, like taking on the money pit that is an 11 year old SL55 instead of a new car with a warranty.
Yup. This way there are no new cars ever. And Tavarish can keep telling people to make shitty financial decisions, like taking on the money pit that is an 11 year old SL55 instead of a new car with a warranty.
Set up financing in advance with a bank to get lower interest rates and more flexibility in payments.
"I made the decision in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict, and I readily admit that it had the opposite effect," he said in an email to parents. "I take full responsibility for the decision, and I apologize for the disruption it has caused.
If you went back to 1989 and told someone that these cars exist, they'd think you were out of your mind.
Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).
Right. Or you could take the cash and invest in something with a higher rate of return than the cost of the car loan, thus making your $$$ go farther...
Risk tolerance is definitely something to factor in. Investments can and do lose money. They also can and do make money.
You eat depreciation costs every time you buy a car, new or used, cash or otherwise.
Exactly. There is nothing wrong with taking out a loan you can afford. Especially once you take the time value of money into account.
Grocery stores WISH they could do this. The idea of charging a customer exactly what they're willing to pay for a product is a manufacturer's/retailer's wet dream.
Those trees popping out of the water make the place look like Drake Lake. The woodsy level in Wave Race 64? Anybody?
Neutral: Can We Drive Our Way Out Of Our Problems? Or is Bill Ford right? Do we need multiple transit solutions? What should those be?
We're talking something like 10% weight loss, so it's actually the equivalent of about 15hp on this engine. However, it also means that the tyres have 10% less mass to hold onto the road, making the tyres an equivalent 10% bigger. The brakes have less work to do so they're equivalent 10% better too.
These seem like very small crimes to fake your own death over.
"You can buy four eco-boost 4-cylinder Mustangs for that price" just doesn't have the right ring to it. Jalopnik will never be the same.
It's totally unnecessary, though. Most airports don't kill their birds. They just use things like noisemakers and even falconers to scare them off.
And there should never be a situation where you need airbags or ABS...but we still have them to keep people from killing themselves when events that fall in the tail of the standard normal curve happen...not a good argument.
You say 'to-mah-to'
EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM IS INDEED A DOUCHE. These asshats with more money than brains who shouldn't be driving a car with more than 110 HP (because they can't drive) playing in traffic with other cars on the road going 30 or 40 MPH slower than they are...and they wreck.