
Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.

But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

He’s in a room full of lawyers. And sometimes you need to talk over that judge, if only to demand your rights as a potential defendant. Moreover, there is almost always an Administrative Judge who oversees the other judges.

As an attorney, the method for bench bullies I was always taught was to say, “You’re Honor, if you’re going to hold me in contempt, I demand that the charges against me be particularized on the record as proscribed in the Judicial Canon, that a hearing be set on notice of no fewer than thirty days as due process

My Life As a Bonerkiller

I wasn’t planning to poke his boner. But as I sat beside my boyfriend, watching Blood Simple, I could feel what was

There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I


Right. This is her exact quote about it from the Nerdist podcast. She doesn’t say it wasn’t him but she EXPLICITLY takes Jez to task for setting the internet mob on it.

Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

I don’t know if it is my love for Stewart clouding my judgement, but it seriously just sounds like he admitted to never hearing those rumors before, which is believable because the only reason I know of those rumors is because of this site.

She’s not wrong. In some parts of the world the outcome of American elections influences the odds of a bomb dropping into your neighborhoodd. Though lately, it doesn’t matter, as the odds are consistently high.

The Joker cares!


If the whole thing you ‘disagree’ with is the mere idea of someone loving another person who is the same gender as them than yeah. You’re not respecting them at all.

Of course, this old nugget:

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But