
"Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level..."

You've hit the nail on the head. Excellent explanation. Just to provide another example, another word that, on it's own, does not imply any racial meaning would be 'boss'.

While I understand and agree with eggshelljones's point about how other women might not think about interactions in the way you have described, you may have just given the best comment to a thread that I've ever read on this site. It's a shame that your comment is buried under dozens of other less constructive

I think you may have had better luck copying the transcript of Laci's video and commenting on it, paragraph by paragraph. It would have been much faster than everything you've gone through as of now, and most of the people who replied to you would have been less likely to misinterpret your main point.

I have an honest question. Let's said that everyone on this page agreed with the information you are presenting. Assuming that everyone accepts that the mean intelligence of different 'racial' groups is different, what does that have to do with being prejudice towards a specific person?

I've read through this entire thread, and, with only a few other exceptions, you and nimuexxx seem to be the only ones that are trying to have a proper conversation.

The type of people that would regularly view these guy's videos are not the type that would watch a "Sexplanations"-like video discussing breast cancer. Just to state this clearly, while I appreciate their effort to spread awareness and the fact that they have raised around $4,000 so far, I didn't like the video.

I have been waiting for a couple of days to what arguments people would make. After reading different websites and threads, I have seen people fall into roughly two camps.

I completely agree with what you're saying.