
Now, a partially paralyzed former player wants to outfit rinks with a "Look-Up Line"

What's funny is that if we were talking about a bridge rather than a football player, everyone would be ecstatic about an upheld suspension.

Thanks for your equally original response.

2014 NFL PR Campaign Slogan: You can hit your wife, just don't hit that bong.

It's the least she could do after destroying all those homes with that wrecking ball in the first place.

It seeks unspecified money damages.

However, subscriptions to Man/Ewe are still going strong in Scotland.

I guess the set from Win Ben Stein's Money was still available

Now playing

And yet, the worst person involved in this video is not the (admittely abusive) police officer, but the jackass who HELD HIS FUCKING PHONE WRONG. Seriously, how hard is it?

the officer shows great restraint not shooting the kid for filming in portrait mode. Such valor.

Andy Reid did that all the time. In fact, he used to do three shows a day, until that stupid Blackfish documentary made everyone all uppity about it.

2 minutes for ruffing.

A) Glad this is getting resolved (or at least properly addressed).

Things got better Friday for athletes, for competition, and for America.

I'm not sure which is a stronger statement about America's broader understanding of economics. The fact that they thought this was a good line of defense or the fact that no one in any of these press conferences will think to ask the question you posed at the end of the article.

How is blocking the ball with your arm, sliding directly into the 2nd baseman, and not even touching the bag anything but egregious interference?

"We hope that the Ukraine will soon come to its senses and stop provoking Russia unnecessarily."

Yes, but it's not that easy for a black guy in Florida to stand his ground.

Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(