
I understand this completely, I do. But it is also a moment of privilege-checking (which you seem amenable to, given how you phrased your question in the first place) - imagine what it's like to be constantly asked questions by folks who haven't done the work for themselves first. First rule of being an ally - do the

Kanye doth protest too much.

I didn't know Kanye had credibility as a designer.

I don't understand how some people who have seen real twerking can claim that that is what they're doing.

I love me some 'womansplainin' on circumcision.

Please. Kim and Kanye Kartrashian didn't get offers anywhere near $10 million for pics of South East. This is just to cover that fact up and try and make a success of her mother's hideous show. I despise this family and everything they represent. The people who made them rich and famous are idiots.

She completely revamped her image with brad pitt and the adoptions - people tend to forget how crazy she was before that. Carrying a vial of Billy Bob's blood around her neck, making out with her half-brother at the Oscars. She's clearly got some issues even if she's been on a positive track the last decade.

Seriously, if you are going to support stop and frisk b/c you got mugged, then you should man up and tolerate being probed and harassed at the airport by people who you know, watched a couple of buildings fall down and several planes used as weapons of mass destruction (I don't support either position as a brown

That "and who, sadly, commits & are victims of the most crimes?" tweet was pretty bad. You're right, he needed to address and apologise for that much more stridently. And then spend a long time in a quiet place thinking about why he tweeted it in the first place.

Ya know, regardless of what Katie said (I wonder why the hell the Trash Klan is famous, too), she sent a nice baby gift. She didn't have to send a gift. Kim K. is certainly not A-list. The proper response is not passive-aggressive twitter's "Thank You."

The moment I heard Blurred Lines, the first thing that popped into my head was "lawsuit." Because it's so obvious that Thicke and Co. ripped off the hook from Got to Give It Up. They will settle out of court, but I am still 100% TEAM GAYE and you can take that anyway you want to.

The building in the pic is a coeducational secular public high school in the Palestinian city of Gaza. It's run by the United Nations.

The bomb you see blowing up over it is a White Phosphorus Bomb. When fragments from that bomb hit human skin, they burn you to the bone.

It's outlawed by the Geneva Convention.


My only reaction was "didn't he get sober after that suicide thing, maybe hitting up clubs isn't so great for that?"

I can't find Alice Walker comparing Israelis to Nazis, but I do know that she's very pro-Palestinian. Frankly, she's exactly right in that, and it's also true that cultures who've undergone ethnic cleansing frequently take on the worst qualities of their persecutors. Ask an Armenian about the genocide; then ask and

Alice Walker, the author, poet and activist most famous for her 1983 novel The Color Purple, was uninvited from the University of Michigan's 50th Anniversary for the Center for Education of Women because she's so anti-Israel that she compares the country to Nazi Germany.

Exactly. I'm a German you guys, so I should be allowed to holocaust all I want. It's in my culture/ history.

I will compare arranged marriages in 18th century royal families with what is happening to young women today. Both are bad, both are wrong, both cause grievous damage to real people. Both involve parents thinking of themselves instead of their daughters' autonomy and viewing the daughters as property and livestock

*Reaches over and starts the Cultural Relativist Clock, which begins counting down the moments until someone arrives claiming how wrong it is for us Cultural Imperialists to judge other cultures and their practices.*

Pretty sure this article violates Lindy's rules on "How to be an atheist without being dick" (I'm surprised that article is still posted, but whatevs) because any critique of the religious is a dick move, apparently.

The display and sexualization of the male chest is in no way shape or form comparable to the display and sexualization of the female chest. Foremost, the display of the male chest in person is legal pretty much everywhere, while the display of the female chest is legal only in a few places.