
Biological women have a right to to talk about their bodies, even if it makes transwomen feel excluded sometimes. There's this trend lately of accusing anyone who talks about periods or vaginas or whatever of TRANSMISOGYNY HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT PARTS I DON'T HAVE and it's complete bullshit. Transwomen are women, but

"You've just spent a considerable amount of time being incredible rude and profane to someone you don't even know. I would ask you what's wrong with you but I don't even know you and it's not very nice making assumptions about people."


Do you not understand the internet? Try going to and type in the topic you are interested in and search for it. You may want to click on the "news" tab when the results come up. Then you can read news articles about the topic of your choice. It's awesome! You should try it sometime!

Why does it seem like every day we have to explain to people what Dirt Bag is? It's such an easy target for people to feel superior to.

You're all better people than I. I immediately thought she did it knowing someone would pick it up and would be another great way to be seen by the general population.

Stop lying American Conservatives do not have any shame about fascism look at the Tea Party and look at most Republicans, in Europe they considered far-right wing, Americans need to realize that you do have a fascist party and that they have many supporters.

It's a message board name. Come on.

So... not all menses?

Yes but 99.99999999% of them are women, and 99.999999% of women have two X chromosomes. Is it trans/queerphobic to simply acknowledge this basic fact of our universe?

Acknowledging female biology is not by default TERFy or transmisogynist. Particularly when there is so much shame and misinformation surrounding the female body.

I would argue that use of the word "crisis" on the cover paints rape in a pretty negative light. Also, it's the word "rape." I think it is pretty powerfully negative on it's own and doesn't need to be described as negative to get the average person to know and understand that a difficult and troubling topic is at

To be fair, eloping to Vegas to be married by an Elvis impersonator wouldn't have been an option, even though Liz would have loved to play the slots and Phil would have gone to the seedier end of town with a wallet full of ones and a particularly large grin on his face.

Don't care either way, but this is hilarious.

it may also be quite telling that you say they "got into fisticuffs" when it was really a one sided attack, where one person hit another who did not fight back.

I am sort of uncomfortable with our taxes paying for this. I'm not against the surgery in any way, and I support her wishes to live as a woman and be treated as a woman, but I don't really know why we as a society are paying for convicted prisoners to receive elective surgery.

When will a Dog speak out against violence in the dog community?

We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.

"Meh....we'll consider it"

I hope they negotiate, get the girls back, and bomb the kidnappers on their way out. Sorrynotsorry. Pieces of shit.