Um, no tea, no shade, but I recently saw someone with a not at all ironic shirt that says, "Not all dykes are women." I was extra offended and called transphobic when, in fact, he was being the transphobic but he didn't know. I couldn't believe it.
Um, no tea, no shade, but I recently saw someone with a not at all ironic shirt that says, "Not all dykes are women." I was extra offended and called transphobic when, in fact, he was being the transphobic but he didn't know. I couldn't believe it.
Aw, Gonzo! I wasn't trying to take you to task. I was just expressing frustration over how people are so quick to jump on cisgender lesbians as being part of that crazy movement. It is especially frustrating because the leading "minds" of that movement have partnered with a gay conversion therapy group! And, they are…
I'm sorry (no sarcasm). Your comment just struck a nerve. I've grown increasingly angry that if I refuse to let others police my life and identity, I get lumped in with TERFs. I can't be bothered to read or listen to every single sentence TERFs produce, but I know enough about them to know that while we share some…
I point to that because this person is one of many commenters who come to Dirt Bag to lord their moral, intellectual, and worldliness over us all. And, this isn't her blog or blog post, so I'm not going to support derailing. Don't you think it rather presumptuous for the OP to assume that the people reading DB…
I criticize Jezebel all the time and I'm not nice about it. This person has come to a gossip section of a gossip blog expecting coverage of an election Jezebel writers aren't equipped to tackle. I, for one, am glad that Jezebel didn't get into it because the facts surrounding it, the checkered past of Modi, how much…
It is relevant on news sites, not a gossip blog. I can't believe you also want a group of non-experts to discuss this. Don't you think it would get just a little bit mangled? I'll ask you the same thing I asked the other dullard: do you think Jezebel is equipped to discuss Modi, his history, the role the RSS (and…
This person has Dirt Bag Superiority Derangement Disorder. S/he is exhibits the classic signs: distorted notions of higher morality, misguided belief in his/her level of sophistication, pedantry, spouting meaningless tautologies, and an oppression complex. This is not be confused with being a Republican, though one…
Okay, I used four "profane" words so you're unable to compute the rest of my comment because that's all you took from it. And, please point out where I bullied you. I made a suggestion and told you that if you feel there is a need for the elections in India to be here on Jezebel, you should write one. Encouraging you…
I gave you many links to other sources but you just want to take a dump in the comments here because you're mad Jezebel isn't doing what you want it to do. Why are you being so fucking silly about this? Go look elsewhere because this isn't the place for a decent analysis of that election. What's wrong with you?
You're incredibly silly and you seem too lazy to get your news from more than one place.
You might be looking for,,, or other sites where the results of the election in India, which are not relevant to this site, are covered.
Having Kanye Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, or Khloe Kardashian on a show is a way to make me stop watching it. I think NBC/Universal are a bit late on the young people hating the Kardashians thing. Everyone knows that Kim, like her mother, came up on her back, and people don't like them anymore. The ratings for their…
Is this a new version of "Not All Men" because if it is, I can't fucking take it and I'll create a Reddit account to support TXC. I'm sick of being told I'm not a woman, I can't call myself a woman, or whatever. I'm not ashamed of the fact that I have two X chromosomes and, I think, my parents wanted a girl. Is it…
This cannot be a Nina Simone bio pic without considering how her skin impacted the way she was treated. My grandmother grew up with her in Tryon, NC. She said that she was treated terribly because of her skin and features. It deeply impacted her psyche, it informed her music, and not being conventionally beautiful was…
I don't want to be out of order, but the media and the DAs around the country have a "gentleman's agreement" not to name victims in rape cases mainly to poison the jury pool. However, the rules of evidence in every state bar using a victim's sexual past to make a defendant's case because it is irrelevant to what…
I'm not all pro life or anything here, but in non emergency cases, I'm also not against a 72 hour waiting period. It's a rather large decision and yes, you prepare yourself beforehand but somehow actually going and making it real sort of drives home that it's happening. you should have time to really evaluate…
I thought I was ready to have an abortion, but then I walked into a deli. I know for a fact that I ordered pastrami and they gave me corned beef d&c on rye. I got dressed again to demand they fix my order, but I didn't my abortion receipt so I was fucked. I told them that I didn't order the abortion on rye, I ordered…
Excuse you? Are you out of your damn mind? The state has no right to impose a 72 hour waiting period on a medical procedure. Women can make their decisions without a bunch of crazies, including yourself, to tell us, by law, to "prepare [ourselves]" for anything. We know what is happening. We get it without the aid of…
If this were Deadspin, you'd get a +1.