
Yeah, I always felt upon re-viewing that Burke was a disastrous pile of manipulation. To each their own.

Holyfuck this is a white privlege/tears comment if i ever say one.


This comment made me laugh out loud. Well played (the little detail about platypus being vemonous....YASSSS!) Queen Platypus approves this message!


There are enough amazing Mad Men dance moments for an entire gifset. I know because I may or may not have made a gifset of them in the past.

Too bad for them I am white!

Get ready to dismiss all the idiots that will hop on here and say you and this gif are the most racist thing to ever happen to the human race.

Sorry (not sorry), after riding the NYC trains after 5 years, I hate 99% of subway performers/panhandlers.

I'm so not nit-picking (I am) and your approach is exactly how I would deal with the situation bar one tiny little detail..

The last name Deen really fuckin bothers me.

Thats what I said! I think that is the true length of it because she is constantly switching that hair like that. One minute lace fronts then box braids. Its crazy.

In short, they're men who believe that women/communists control society by forcing men into relationships where they drain them of their soul/money. Many believe that women use men for babies and use the baby for child support money.

Men Who Unfortunately Refuse to Finally Get the Fuck Out.

I'm "trangressing freedom of religion and culture", what is that even supposed to mean? Not all cultures are good, the vast majority of religions are bad, ask the women of Saudi Arabia who can get flogged for going out in public without a burqa if "live and let live" applies to them too? People shouldn't have the

A burqa isn't a cultural item, it's a religious one and for every woman who says that she wears one out of choice there's another one compelled to do so by the laws of the country she was born in. Funny how people are so quick to scream ingrained patriarchy when a woman says she wants to shave her pubic hair but then

Blurred Lines has knocked out Baby It's Cold Outside and Lady Gaga's Just Dance for the title of best date rape jam of all time.

there is no difference in eating and exercise habits between thin children and fat children (or adults).

"Stop fat shaming children and poor people, Michelle Obama."