
He could have just sent his bodyguard out to a medical dispensary for weed. Even if he wanted coke, he has a to have a better hookup than fucking Skid Row! Even I never had to troll sketchy neighborhoods for drugs and I'm a nobody. Zac, I am disappoint.

I'm black and I have never, ever, ever heard of "segregationistic" values. What are those so that I may be on the look out for them?

It's equally cruel to make fun of Courtney Love's being "crazy." Don't mock people with mental illnesses. Sometimes we misbehave and we usually face very harsh consequences for it, but that's a function of our not being well. Courtney Love has been in a spiral of mental illness and drug use for so long and I'm amazed

Is this about Muslims? If it were, I'd be right with you. This is about a money machine backed by a corporation whose use of the immoral superstitious belief system that is Christianity. Islam is just as barbaric and currently engaged in religious based atrocities. But, for the record, the newest countries to

Oh, word? How many people do we have out here marching for the black women brutalized by police or white people? We have Justice for Trayvon movements and the Jordan Davis trial got wall to wall coverage, but cases of cops shooting little black girls or raping black women never get asses out of seats and into streets.

I don't know if you know the history of American Vogue and what Anna Wintour's ascending the top of it meant in the publishing world. Vogue is by no means perfect, it is not a bastion of exclusion, but the covers had women of note on it. They had women of genuine cultural relevance or movements. As much as I hate

Oh, please. Now we're crying classism for millionaires? The top 1% truly have you brainwashed. I thought we only heard about the "hardships" of the ultra-wealthy on Fox News, but now we have to hear about their woes and how people put them down here on Jezebel.

And, there went Anna Wintour's credibility to me. I used to like her, but now she's totally lowered the bar and value of the Vogue cover. Now, everyone after that cover will have shared a cover with this slore. I hope the FLOTUS refuses to appear on the cover. She needn't ever lower herself to the level of a

I'm kinda annoyed. I actually spent time looking up the information you asked for before I read this:

But MOST women who've been polled don't feel the way you do which means you are spreading incorrect information and that gives fodder to people who try to limit abortion rights on the grounds that even women who get them feel guilty therefore immoral. Your situation is your own and it doesn't match that of the

I don't know where you get your information from regarding black people and abortion. First of all, if Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate black people, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wouldn't have praised her and her movement as being good for black people because family planning is a way to lift someone out of poverty.

Here are my questions in a briefer form:

I'm sure you don't intend any malice, but please don't spread the lie that having an abortion is a harrowing experience, requiring tortured meditation, and feel unbearable guilt forever. When women find themselves pregnant and they don't want to be, terminating the pregnancy is often the first thing they think of

Why even make the comment about your supporting women being forced to carry a pregnancy? If you support her drive and ambition, why not just say that? I know why: because you like trolling.

As a congrats present for your marriage and a bereavement present for this crap, I'll bring the weed.

Let's toke up to deal with this humiliation.

Well, I've only lived in Europe and I have heard the opposite. You've never heard a person from the north of Italy refer to a Sicilian using racial slurs? I've heard Italians from Northern Italy (which, for some racial purists, ends at two separate landmarks) call Calabrese or Sicilian people "Africans." I think it

Okay, if you think you can figure out a book based on its title, you're stupid. There's a reasoning behind the title. It isn't an opinion piece, it is a book about the sociology of America, racial identity politics in America, and what one has to do to to escape the oppression of white supremacist hegemony by joining

Yours is an unsophisticated and quite reductive view of race, pride in culture, regionalism, and "national" identity in Italy? If you did, you would understand why what you've said is very incorrect. Have you ever lived in Italy or other countries in Northern Europe? Did you know that some Italians don't even consider

He's been that way for decades. The twisted thing is that he has what he has because he was willing to be an anti-black hatchet man for conservatives. He blames other black people for his own feelings or inadequacy and blames black people for whatever bad feelings his classmates or potential employers felt for him. He