
Anita Hill was very much mixed up in the Bork controversy. She took up his cause and,felt he was unfairly denied a seat on the SCOTUS. When she was confronted about it, she tried to say she didn't actually support his elevation to the court, but that people were against him because of his personality. She said her

Since when does someone having more knowledge on an issue than you make him or her a troll. Sorry, but as a black woman, I see Anita Hill as a huge traitor. White women can continue to make her into something she isn't, but black women don't have to be called trolls for telling the truth about her.

It is a good book. I hope they have it.

There's a great book about the phenomenon in the United States. The book is called

Where did you law school? None of my textbooks had pictures and I don't recover any decisions he wrote ever. Thomas certainly isn't enough of a heavyweight that his concurring opinion is ever referenced. Did you go to a really conservative school whose textbooks have pictures?

Let's not that Anita Hill was no friend to women until she was in the line of fire. She was one of Bork's biggest supporters and agreed that some of his decision, such as allowing a workplace to fire women if they don't undergo sterilization. He was the hugest racist, homophobe, and misogynist. Nonetheless, Hill was

Please tell me that this has been exposed to be a hoax or fraud of some kind. This is too terrible to be real.

I'm getting the impression that the chasm between our education, intelligence, reading comprehension, and command of the language is far too wide to bridge. I can't speak with someone incapable of putting together a string of coherent sentences, is incapable of understanding what I wrote, and is just angry at all

This is a truly inspired rant. It is unhinged, barely intelligible, has bigotry, and it is written with such a burning rage that I can "see" the spittle on it. Well done. A few things:

Why won't you answer it? It's true. I would guess that around 99% of women here do not want you here because we don't like misogynists trying to spread a hateful message.

We'll accept "your bad" if you go away. What's being done to Bieber is very wrong, but don't pretend that the double standard in society doesn't work against women. Go back to Reddit and mourn the death of legal creepshots with your fellow MRA cretins.

Great news: the Massachusetts state senate just amended the law! It is now illegal to photograph someone under his or her clothing, so the loophole is closed. Frankly, we need to mace people like this guy in the face. Being arrested doesn't deter them, but being on the receiving end of violence might make them a bit

You're speaking for an entire people. Not everyone who falls in the Asian category is doing well. And, you don't have a right to tell people not to feel oppressed or to push back when people are discriminating against them. "Rice eaters," as you put it, aren't the only people considered Asians. People from the

It isn't from Paris Is Burning. Paris Is Burning was made a long time ago and none of these people would have cut it on that Ball Scene. The gif is probably from Get Your Tens.

Anti-choice Rep. Scott DeJarlais should be on this because well because, well, he's amazing.

Do you mean like Mike Ericson the pro-life candidate who tossed his single-parent girlfriend out the car with $300 to pay for an abortion when she got pregnant and he didn't want the kid?

The ridiculous amount they get paid is nothing in comparison to the ridiculous amount of revenue they generate. The NFL has the shortest season but makes the most money than the other big four. Graham could get irreversibly injured or get injured enough so that his earning potential after this season drops. He should

That's probably because the media don't know what the Combine is and don't know to cover it. However, there's no chance he won't get drafted. Yes, it is important, but the work a guy puts in and what's on his tape counts more. He was a first team All American, he was Defensive Player of the Year in the SEC, he had 12

Where did you find this awesomeness?

I'm sorry. I'm feeling very honest this morning! I can't help it!