
Not it is so tired and it would gross me out anyway but it is clear that her mouth isn't clean because her tongue is covered in white stuff. She doesn't scrape or even brush her tongue which means she probably has bad breath which is concentrated on her tongue. No, I will not supply you with barf bags.

I've been to this event a few times for free because I was bearding for an old friend from a wealthy Austrian family. I'm a cheap date, so I went for free and I bought my own ball gown :( So, no, I did not command $550k Kim Kardashian does, but being the type of person she is, I do see why she wouldn't enjoy it. I

I think Trans*Scription Service is wonderful and I want to cuddle it.

Well, will this be an aggregation of news or will people be able to their own posts like at GT?

Is there a rules section? Is there room for diversity of ideas? Or, is this is a newsfeed?

I am so not excited by this. Viola Davis is such a tremendous talent. She deserves way more than to be stuck with Shonda Rhimes' "work" which is, when she's at her very best, mediocre. I hate that so many black actors and actresses are limited to the likes of Tyler Perry and Shonda Rhimes. We have talented writer and

You've mistaken me for an evangelist. I don't want to change anyone into an atheist. I just want our government and the courts to keep them out of the secular arena. They can hold whatever stupid beliefs they want. And, convincing people that global warming is real is quite unlike convincing religious people that

Clearly, MTY85 should be banned.

Religion contradicts god because all of god's pronouncements have been proven untrue. Archeologists, physicists, paleontologists, biochemists, geneticists, astronomers, biologists, and other scientists have exposed the revealed and received wisdom of "god" to be utter shams.

Your definition of Buddhism is reductionist and ignorant. First of all, the Buddha did not reject the concept of a god just that he was a god. The Buddha rejected the notion that god was necessary. Buddhism would best be described as non-theistic, not atheistic. That is no small distinction. Also, though the Buddha

This is another piece of stunt legislation. As soon as Brewer signs it, a court will strike it down. Even Bush appointees are striking these laws down the moment they cross their desks. This is the last gasp of an increasingly irrelevant and despised group. Angry old white Christians are trying to make a last stand in

There is nothing similar between actually creating a piece of art and writing "bowl of fruit" on a piece of paper. Do you know anything about Basquiat's work at all other than the reductive racist view?

You know what? I don't make a distinction between the "nice" religious people and the "not nice" religious people because I believe that all religion is immoral.

So, they actively reject the idea that god helped their loved one survive an illness? Good! That's a first step toward giving up the childish belief in god go.

I agree with you regarding children, but do you practice a religion? Do you indoctrinate your children into that religion?

Religion is made to be multifaceted is when the realities of science and proof creep into that non-reality.

I think these people are awful and I think what they did was awful, but I don't believe that it is okay to bash these people because they make your beliefs look bad.

That pastor had nothing to do with the death of this child or any other. The parents made a choice to believe in god and follow this man. Belief in god is stupid and turning your life over to another person is stupid, but they did it on their own. This is on their empty heads.

Then these people obviously do not believe in god. I think any belief in a god or gods is narcissistic and stupid, but at least these people aren't hypocrites. They don't claim to believe in the power of prayer when it is convenient. They truly believe in it. I hate these hypocritical theists who are jumping all over

You'll get a lot of butthurt people whining, but who the fuck cares? They need to grow up and take responsibility for their lives rather than an imaginary parent/dictator.