Re: your point of black men, there was the #blackpowerisforblackmen and how black men mistreat black women, how their concerns are placed before ours, and our issues are ignored. Choose a better example.
Re: your point of black men, there was the #blackpowerisforblackmen and how black men mistreat black women, how their concerns are placed before ours, and our issues are ignored. Choose a better example.
They weren't complying with the law. Section 166.049: "A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient."
Yeah, this was extremely stupid. The law reads as follows:
Not to nitpick, but she's not on life support, she's on a ventilator. She's already dead, so no life is being sustained. I'm not pointing it out to be a pedant. The manipulative "Women Are Incubators" goons are trying to pretend that she's alive and that he's "killing her."
I'll link the article if I can find it, but someone did an approximation of how much the hospital stay will cost him. I do remember that the ICU bed alone is $4000 a day, the ventilator is $1500 a day, when her kidneys shut down the dialysis machine she'll need is $3000 a day, and that isn't including the charges…
Are you sure it isn't Jofrrey?
Well, why stop there? They should also be allowed not to pay employees because the money they pay them will go toward buying slut bills. That's where this bullshit is heading.
Are you saying that you are pro-life because you support the right of women not to have to carry a pregnancy they don't want because you are pro-choice? You cannot say that you are pro-choice if you are in favor of any version of restricting the right of a woman to ending a pregnancy. Sorry. You can't have it both…
You needn't reply. I know your arguments and I reject them out of hand. I was trying to explain why you should not compare the Civil Rights movement to a violent movement devoted to oppressing others. There's nothing you can do to convince me that a fetus is a human being and that a woman is an incubator. But, I'll…
Wait, wait, wait, wait..."cuckolding"? This dullard needs help, a dictionary, and to be tagged like a dangerous animal. I have to find this person in the comments because that's really special.
You have no idea how many times guys who've known me forever and know that I'm a lesbian have done this shit to me. If we go out for drinks or go to movies together, they seem to think that my gayness just dissipates and they get pissed off because not only do I not become straight, I don't become straight AND fall in…
So, now you're also butthurt because you're being called on your shit. No one is calling you a misogynist for being attracted to someone, you're a misogynist because you act like a brat and an angry toddler because the woman doesn't return your affections. Acting like you're entitled to a woman's affections and being…
I still regard it as fatuous because it is silly and nonsensical. Obviously, you need some handholding as to why it is silly to make such a comparison.
I have almost impossible to treat depression, so in addition to anti-depressants, my psychopharmacologist and psychiatrist came to the conclusion that they needed to add Adderall to my medication cocktail. They were right and I feel much better. But, this was done after years upon years of trying different…
I love how they treat autism as some form of punishment. But, since I am partly to cause for your child needing therapy, I will refrain from engaging in any sexual activity or affection with my wife. Let me know if that lessons the cost of your bills.
This is brilliant! Sugary drinks has dragged down health in the US. The empty calories, tooth damage, some say addictive qualities of sugar, and obesity will spread like kudzu. True, this is a slow way to get back at the Russians, but you entrenching sugar water that is so acidic it can be used to clean corrosion off…
As a black person, I find your fatuous invocation of Jim Crow laws and racism to support misogyny to be grossly offensive. Do not use our oppression to bolster your argument for the oppression of women. It's disgusting and it shows that the liberation of black people means nothing to you beyond using it as a way to…
Your maturity level is suspect because when I correctly told you that the $75 million dollars you were squawking about is a totally insignificant amount of money, you petulantly replied, "it (sic) must be nice to have so much money you can pontificate about 75m being meaningless-you wanna pay my rent?" That is not the…