Okay, I see that we are operating on very different levels of maturity (that rent thing?),knowledge, awareness of geopolitics, and political strategizing.
Okay, I see that we are operating on very different levels of maturity (that rent thing?),knowledge, awareness of geopolitics, and political strategizing.
Well, she's correct in that she's citing the law. Your fetus has no rights. And, she's correct from the moral perspective that a fetus has only the rights its mother gives it.
Ms. Ryan is correct. What's your point?
You think that that $75 million means jackshit to Putin? Let me give you the short version of how and why this is happening. If you've paid attention over the years, Vladimir Putin has been trying in various ways to make himself head of Russia for the rest of his life. He's had a relationship with the Russian Orthodox…
Yes, Dennis Rodman did appear on Celebrity Rehab which doesn't bode well for him. Five cast members of celebrity rehab have relapsed and committed suicide. It is ridiculous that he is allowed to have a show when he so obviously abuses these people for their celebrity without offering them meaningful help. Now there…
I am SO happy she won. I was reading a statement by Melanie Griffith rightly complaining about how hard it is for women to get roles after the age of 50. I was thinking about how unfair that is and then I saw a picture of Lupita Nyong'o. I realized that even though she acts her ass off and is head and shoulders above…
Let's not forget when Joel Ward scored the winning goal against the Bruins. The outburst of racism and people calling the guy a nigger on twitter was amazing. Someone, perhaps twitter, released a map of where the tweets came from and, wouldn't you know it, almost all of them were from the New England area!
Media Takeout is well known among black people as the site NOT to believe. All they do is lie and make things up. No black blog would ever quote it except to point out what they are making up.
I feel like this is awful because this guy is literally narrating the deaths of innocent people. So many of Beyonce's stans vehemently disagree.
I don't know whether you meant to be offensive or not, but this is offensive to black people. It is not a compliment to say, "Once again, black people are doing it right." There is so much wrong with that statement.
I'm sorry, but I think this argument is ridiculous. Kanye is the epitome of gross entitlement. Kanye is of the belief that because he has money and because he is famous, he should be given the keys to fashion houses. What on earth has Kanye done to earn these things? He cites Marc Jacobs, Lee McQueen, Alexander Wang,…
It was a parody.
But Kanye said he and Kim are the most influential in terms of fashion and that no one cares what the Obamas wear!
Happens to me all the time. I don't look enough like a lesbian for many lesbians. One woman recently said, "You look like a straight girl with a gay stylist." Obviously, that was meant to be an insult and to challenge my authenticity. I tend to hang much more with gay men because they accept me for me. I'm so over…
All it takes is messing with the wrong person. He's in a bad business because he makes people feel cornered, helpless, isolated, and like they've lost everything which means they have nothing to lose. He's already been stabbed once. One day, one woman (or someone who loves her) is going to put a bullet in his brain.…
This may sound like a dumb question, but are beavers mean animals? Some people say yes, some say no. What say you?
If many people in the United States did not cast their votes based on this nonsense, I would leave them to their delusions. They pass laws or vote for politicians who pass laws based on this stupidity. I am a woman and I am gay. Thanks to people like this, my right to the integrity of my person and my right not to be…
There is no god and non-existent entities don't have opinions because they aren't real. Your bible is a stupid book put together by hysterical and ignorant desert nomads in the Bronze Age. If we lived according to its code on sex, I would venture that close to 100% of NFL players would be stoned to death for being…
I agree with this post. I miss the Yankees going to the WS being past of my fall schedule. I'm one of those fans who thinks not going to the WS is a failed season. I understand other fans of other sports teams who are dominant and frequent winners of their leagues' championships. Teams play to win the championship and…
Gideon was in my society at Columbia. I love him.