
People are gonna give you shit, but Jezebel's articles rarely, if ever consider the perspectives or issues of women of color. There is a reason why the #solidarityisforwhitewomen hashtag was created and trended. Jezebel was named as a chief offender by the woman who created it as well as a number of feminists of color

"Inside Source" is PMK's government name.

It is easy to dismiss these tweets, but they mean a great deal to those who were impacted that day and relive that hurt. It's a hard day for many of us and I don't see the need to snark on those who offer a word of kindness or remembrance, regardless of who it is. I doubt someone who lost a parent has forgotten, but

This article, like many Jezebel articles, ignores the perspective of women of color. Some women of color may be resentful of interracial relationships because white skin is privileged over their own. I've heard my fellow black women express resentment over this because we are often victims of white supremacy which

I think her main point is to deflect criticism over the obvious defects in her stupid book. She does the very same thing men do when dismissing the concerns of women: calling us hysterical, irrational, in denial, and gas lighting us. She's doing the same thing privileged people do by dismissing the concerns of the

You know, not all people who have an issue with interracial relationships are racists. Speaking as a black woman, I've heard many of my fellow black ladies talk about black men who run off with white women, Asian women, Latina women, and prefer light-skinned or "exotic" (I hate that word) women. Basically, we dislike

Word. I used to wonder why men who hate feminism come here, but I just figured it out. Trolling this site, which has a majority female readership, is the only way they can get attention from women. They certainly don't have the nerve to be this aggressively racist or sexist in person (troll's are generally keyboard

Also, those fraternities and sororities were created because blacks, Asians, LBGT, or Latinos couldn't get into white Greek organizations. Historically black colleges were also created for the same reason: people wanted to get a college education and, if they were black, they had no other choice. But, people of all

I joined a society, so I was outside of the Greek System. Actually, we didn't even associate with the Greeks and wouldn't let them into our parties. I can tell you why I joined:

I didn't sit my ass from middle school through college for nothing. I'll be damned if I can't work it into my life at least once a day and I don't care if I get called pretentious. I wasn't even a classics major. I tip my hat right back at you!

I hear you too and I appreciate your empathy. Look my uncle was a college football and NFL player. He was the defensive captain of his team when they won the Super Bowl. You won't find a bigger gentleman, both literally and figuratively (he's HUGE). Hell, he's a gentler person than me. He was also a physics major

This is silly. Comparing a civilian response to what a police officer should do is specious. Civilians are not trained to deal with a violent person or someone who attacks them, where as the police are. They are trusted with power and weaponry we don't give to civilians. They cannot be permitted to harm people under

I was sad when I saw that on the news. I live in the US, so there's no help here. Maybe there's a chance that this might pass? Sadly, sometimes the populations of countries, even those with a liberal history, lose their minds and elect these creeps. The smallest thing can trigger a conservative backlash in voters and

Does anyone have an explanation for crying during or after sex? I've never been sexually assaulted or abused, so that isn't it. It just happened and I don't get it. I'm sort of embarrassed by it because it is weird for me, nothing happened, and I wasn't upset at the time. I am puzzled and I don't know what to make of

The novelty aspect actually makes this even worse. The concept of the "novelty" of black women is one of the primary reasons why black slaves were raped. It is why when I go to a bar or a restaurant where there is drinking, white guys and their girlfriends will drunkenly grope me or ask me to participate in a sex act.

You do know that men and boys can be raped too, right? If your son were raped or you were raped, would you want it to be written in an indictment as if you did it with the man? And, I used a man in my hypothetical because you're the sort who probably says that a boy would want any sexual encounter with a woman because

It is much more accurately described sex act inflicted upon a person who does not or cannot consent. The "with" implies there was mutual participation whereas "upon" conveys that this was something done to the person and forced on them in violation of their physical integrity. Even if your phrasing is the currently

I didn't think this could be any more morally reprehensible than I previously thought, but once again, humanity keeps restoring my faith that there is no such thing as the bottom of the moral barrel. As a black woman, I am so disgusted that a black man would inflict upon anyone a race based sex crime. Do they not know

Some people deserve to be ignored because their need for attention outweighs their concern that people will be disgusted with them or that they may be harming someone else. They are attention junkies and, like many addicts, no word or deed is too low for them. Ignore them and, perhaps, spare one second to pity the

And then those people went on to have unprotected sex with scores of other people who then did the same, etc. Old Dustin here isn't too bright.