
Maybe its that we don't want to hear about their bedroom antics. And that we're sick of him, his rapey song, his douchey interviews about how it is a "beautiful thing to degrade a woman," and his stunts with Miley Cyrus. They are two very annoying people who like attention.

Yes, it is racist. It reduces someone to their skin color based on your "flavor of the day." He's more than the color of his skin. You can get a brown dildo and use it if you're, um, "craving chocolate." It is a shitty and dehumanizing thing to say. I have a feeling you aren't actually sorry.

Her husband is also the president of the network. :/

I think that some people are being very hard on you without giving much thought to your trauma and how trauma makes you react. Even though I'm black and I wouldn't like to encounter you, I have to admit that I feel into a rather shameful spiral of hating all Muslims after 9/11. I had some awful things happen to me,

Don't try to inject logic and reason into this. Apparently, we shouldn't be creeped out by men who jerk off to toys meant for children and we should lump women, an actually oppressed group, with a group of largely white American men with enough money and leisure time to pursue this foolishness.

I would pay good money to see Aryan learn that she's lost her modeling contract. I don't think she knows yet and I don't think Chen could tell her. I would love to see her face the shitstorm the world has waiting for her when she returns to the real world.

I would be creeped out by a grown woman who was an obsessed fan of My Little Pony.

Shamefully, I saw an episode of their reality show where she bullied Kim into posing for Playboy. And, Kim, before she changed her tune, told a magazine she felt bullied into it and that her mom pressured her on the grounds that they weren't famous enough. I know Lindsay posed for Playboy, but I've actually seen

While I disagree with the "western" part, I would agree with the notion anyone who is a member of an Abrahamic faith who believes in gender equality does so in spite of their faith, not because of it. These faiths, despite what their apologists would have us believe, are misogynistic in their texts and in their


She married him knowing that he was the son of a murderous dictator and that she would be living off of the largesse of that regime. She didn't stumble into this situation, she knowingly entered it. She married into a horrible family, she wasn't kidnapped.

She said she feels the same way about Brad Pitt. And, this wasn't the first time Jolie has done this. Laura Dern was engaged to Billy Bob Thornton before Jolie came along. She said, "I left our home to go and make a movie and while I was away, my boyfriend got married and I never heard from him again." Klassy!

I agree 100%. She didn't just cheat with Pitt, but she also cheated with that gross Billy Bob Thornton when he was married and someone else. Other wives of married actors didn't want them on set with her. I think she's an entitled brat and when her reputation took a hit, she decided to play Earth Mother Collector of

Those readers deserved to be insulted, actually.

I hope one day Justin Beiber finds out just how nice "Breezy" is to his loved ones. Actually, I might hate Chris Brown .000000000000000000001% less if he kicked his ass.

I hope he dies a slow and painful death. I also volunteer to carry it out.

I think this is an incredibly unfair statement. Having a romantic partner get along with one's friends is incredibly important to many people and it has nothing to do with wanting "arm candy to impress his bros." And, caring about a woman being intelligent doesn't really play into your "arm candy" theory. He said that

Are you saying that you'll date everyone you'd sleep with? Just because you find someone physically attractive does not mean you want to develop a lasting relationship with him or her. We all have criteria for people we think are suitable romantic partners, not just John Legend.

This seems like a good thread to ask a question I've had for a long time. I am extremely conflicted about and troubled by the fact that I like my body. Intersectionality is important to me, so I am really ashamed about liking my body because I have body privilege and I feel like I am perpetuating the culture of

This is only relevant to Catherine Zeta-Jones if she has a history of non-compliance with her medication. If anything, I've see the opposite. She seems quite vigilant seeing as she voluntarily checks herself into a psych facility to make sure she is okay. There has been absolutely no evidence that she is like your