
Serious question: should someone without cellulite be concerned about her health? Is it an indicator of a health problem or an impending health problem?

I just like it because she is a former reality star who has bumped Kim Kardashian off of the cover. Hopefully, this is a sign that magazine sales with her on cover have plummeted signalling the public's being tired of her and convincing magazines to stop covering her. I would be so happy if we never had to see or hear

Giving an infant anything, other than a trust fund, worth $200k is so tacky and nouveau riche. Keep it Klassy Kanye and Kim.

Yeah, because all of us who have mental illnesses are criminals and cannot be held to account for our actions. What you're saying is offensive. He was not psychotic or in an altered state. He was a manipulative and sadistic piece of shit. Full stop.

You must have missed his previous two albums which had numerous appearances by rappers. Also, I know that people like you like to blame the bad behavior of white people/white artists on their being associated with black people and hip hop (which, by the way, Robin Thicke is not). He's a jerk and it has nothing to do

Robin Thicke and his wife brag about their semi-open marriage and drug use. He says he "allows" her to sleep with other women and, apparently, she doesn't mind if he does either. They are proud of being cokeheads who sleep with other people. Paula Patton is not giving him a piece of her mind which is fortunate because

I've tried to commit suicide many times. Do not lump me into the same category as this man. You insult those of us who struggle with mental illness and are so miserable that we feel the world would be better off with out us and that death is the only way to end our suffering. This guy killed himself because he

Does your dad make friends with his clients' victims too? Does he have any sympathy or empathy for them or does he reserve it for murderers? Does he reach out the family members of the victims whose lives his clients have ruined? Do they figure into his friendship circle or does he just view them as a means to an end:

Well, fortunately, many people here believe that the concept of Hell is stupid. This cretin is not in hell, he is in the morgue. Believing that someone gets punishment in a non-existent afterlife is a concept many people push in order to keep people from seeking justice in this life. Thinking that he is currently

Well, she did everything she could to become her friend. She invited Beyonce and Jay-Z to her wedding even though she didn't know them. She seemed like she was stalking Beyonce once she got with Kanye and assumed that they would become friends. She showed up at every award show and, because she was with Kanye, she sat

This is excellent news. I'm glad he's dead. Now his victims will never have to worry about him bothering him again. Now the mother of his victim/child does not have to deal with him suing her for parental rights which would have forced her to bring the child to prison to visit him (yes, this happens). He's gone and

I want to preface this by saying I'm not attacking you. I have seen so many comments here sympathizing with Miley Cyrus on the grounds that they too misbehaved in their 20s and are glad that their behavior wasn't memorialized on film. Are those of you who say this also saying that you engaged in racist behavior at

Aw, poor Miley! She gets called out for her racism and she's totally hurt. I have a newsflash: it is soul crushing to see white feminists defending her and being totally indifferent to how she harms black women. Racial oppression is soul crushing. I don't think a rich white woman being confronted about her racism is

I love it when white men come along and tell women, specifically women of color, that we don't have a right to express concerns based on our experiences. There's no clearer sign that you're a racist than by hating that people call out racism because you feel everything is "political correctness." We all know that what

You got four stars whereas Lindy got 36. If you are going to use that as a metric of the validity of your argument and complain, then by your own standard, you are very wrong.

Racism, mocking black bodies, reinforcing white supremacist standards of beauty, cultural appropriation, and perpetuating racism is not a big deal. I notice that you are one of the types of "feminists" who are concerned with slut-shaming Miley Cyrus but don't give a rat's ass about her racism. You feel it is more

Maybe I didn't understand what you wrote, but are you comparing Kerry Washington to Miley Cyrus. Don't get me wrong, I think Kerry Washington is totally overrated, I can't understand why her acting on Scandal merits any praise, and I don't understand how anything person can like Scandal. However, I don't think being

Lindy, I am hoping you'll see this comment because seeing as you are our go to person on Jezebel about fatness and how fat people are treated in our society, I have been hoping you would address the type of women Miley Cyrus chose to use as backup dancers. I read a really good article about how the type of black

Answer this question: Have you been told to leave the store because of your shoe size? I'm not talking about being told that they don't carry your shoe size, but being told that you must vacate the premises because of your shoe size? If you have not been told that you must leave the store, then your experiences are

You're also ignoring the biological realities of pregnancy. Not every pregnancy goes smoothly. A woman can have to be on bed rest for six moths because she is pregnant. If you're a doctor, for example, losing six months of a residency is a huge problem and I think it is totally crazy to say that anyone should be given