You’re also forgetting the $400 version of the PS5 here. So consumers have an entire purchasing range to choose from. And $300 for a watered-down device is a much tougher sell when you can grab a full-featured device for $100 more.
You’re also forgetting the $400 version of the PS5 here. So consumers have an entire purchasing range to choose from. And $300 for a watered-down device is a much tougher sell when you can grab a full-featured device for $100 more.
I’m confused by your assertion. We know that there’s going to be a lower end model, so your “nope” here assumes that it will be $600?
There was a recent article about an initiative (patent?) within Microsoft to design a controller-friendly interface for Windows. How much money on devices like this having a lot to do with that?
From the article:
Also, having watched D&D the week prior hurt my perception of Mario a bit. What a surprisingly good movie Honor Among Thieves was!
They always have this very specific curated experience in mind that has more to do with how it affects your imagination and enjoyability to play rather than any firm brand guidelines.
The end result is the same: What the UK is saying is that if this merger goes through, then the newly minted Microvision will not be allowed to do business in the UK, precisely like Huawei.
You know you always have the option to force yourself to commit to a build, right?
Back when Kotaku compared PS+ to Game Pass, they concluded PS+ was the better of the two (at the time).
“You already have a monopoly and this deal could only strengthen that monopoly” is a weird take?
Why can I not buy Huawei products in the US? How can the US regulate the business of a Chinese company?
It is arguable whether it’s a “natural” monopoly. Microsoft has done everything short of openly admit that Game Pass does not make them money. Their entire strategy is to grow as rapidly as possible to kill any competition before it starts. And if your entire business strategy is specifically designed to maximize…
I get this reference
Nuts & Bolts was a great idea with a terrible implementation.
That was my biggest concern, as everything presented so far seemed to imply that it was a constant manual process. What about weapon combinations?
DeSantis is not competent. He just has a packed legislature and can therefore get pretty much anything he wants passed into law.
Your last point is beginning to fade, tho. Some studios are beginning to use live CGI scenes for their productions instead of green screens.
It was eventually settled two years later for $150,000, a life-altering penalty for the average person.
Fair enough!