
Let’s have some fun breaking down the math:

Maybe Sony’s just trying to replicate the Vita’s success by copying another console with a similar sales record, the Wii U!

Switch hasn’t been the best selling console for many months now. Update your facts!

You need to look up the video of the woman who wrote an entire book on anti-woke, then couldn’t even define the word when asked in an interview.

My only major criticism of the new Ada is that her character model makes her look white. I had to google to verify that, yes, Ada Wong is supposed to be Chinese/Asian.

An attempt was made. A failed fascist policy is still a fascist policy.

The Lords of the Fallen, The

I will never forget Lords of the Fallen because it’s the game that made me realize I liked Dark Souls.

Really cool, but if there’s no way to save loadouts or vehicles, it could get really annoying crafting the same things over and over again.

Yes, cars already have sensors, and they don’t always work. I had a tire-pressure sensor that was giving off false positives. It was a minor inconvenience, I just drove to the shop and got it replaced. But if that sensor refused to let me drive the car until it was fixed? That would be a real problem.

People get arrested for DUIs because the police found them sleeping in there car and they were over the limit.

Well, you included 30k non alcohol-related deaths in your number of vehicular deaths, so...

There are so many flaws in this reasoning, but let me break down just a few:

A part of me wonders if a big part of the problem is that turn-based games had become stale, and instead of trying to figure out how to modernize the genre, many developers abandoned it altogether in favor of action or action-like games. That alone is guaranteed to lose you the sales from turn-based fans. But the

Sure. On the other hand, Microsoft is the third largest company in the world. They lead Sony in market cap by 18:1. Do they really need to dominate every industry they touch?

I prefer AM2R to Samus Returns. But that game isn’t exactly official, so there’s that.

It’s telling that Sony is the largest video game publisher, yet has almost no live service games. Proof that it’s not a requirement to be successful, it’s greed.

*The Show is a microtransaction smorgasbord, tho!

Now they need to go back and fix FFIX. For starters, re-add analog support, fix the terrible combat UI, and allow for holding X to enter commands.

This is patently false. Bungie is not a publisher, they are a developer. But even that acquisition was miniscule compared to Microsoft purchasing Bethesda. You are the guy looking at Microsoft parking a yacht inside their even bigger yacht, then pointing across the lake at at a skier behind a boat and going “same

“The logic cuts both ways.” So you’re advocating for Sony to acquire a publisher to even out Microsoft’s Bethesda acquisition?