
Microsoft’s subpoena was, like, “truly massive”

A seemingly counterintuitive one: Always install the PS5 version of cross-gen titles you have. The texture compression technology (or something??) usually means that the PS5 version of a game is smaller than the PS4 one!

No, you see, what he means is more job creation for his accountants and more opportunities for his wallet!

“First rule of government spending: why buy one when you can buy two at twice the price??”

Our longest look yet at one of the biggest Nintendo Switch games of the year

Hmm, you might be mistaken by what I meant when I said math. The market revenue for Sony currently includes games by Activision and Blizzard (at a bare minimum, it’s the royalties Sony gets on each game). So, make any future ActiBliz titles exclusive, and that’s revenue taken from Sony. In other words, you can’t just

Sure, you can’t say anything definitive about the process of Sea of Thieves’ improvement. But what is factual is that Sea of Thieves shipped in a poor state. I’d say that by definition qualifies as evidence: it doesn’t prove anything but lends credence to a proposition.

Fun Fact: The human brain continues to grow until around age 25! So, while not being “kids,” this does mean that college students are objectively dumber than older adults!

Sure, but it’s not arbitrary? I mean, I literally gave evidence that it would? In addition to it being simple math?

If a timed exclusive isn’t the same thing as buying an entire studio, then surely buying an entire publisher isn’t the same thing as buying a studio? Which Microsoft has now done twice to everyone else’s zero.

Tell me again, when was the last time Sony or Nintendo purchased a publisher? Oh, right, Bethes... wait.

Other countries have had generally more oversight than American ones. They’ve levied many fines at Google for monopolistic behavior, for example, and forced Facebook to sell giphy. It’s America that’s changed recently, having realized their mistake in letting Facebook acquire Snap and Instagram.

The “third largest” arguments seems disingenuous. You can’t just take today’s numbers, add to one side, then take the result. Games will be leaving Sony, decreasing their market share. Then there’s the knock-on effect. This article states that a study said 24% of Sony users would move to Xbox if CoD became an

You should read my comment on SoT above! SoT didn’t start good, that it’s good now says so much about Rare and Microsoft’s inability to help them shape that game.

Along those lines, people like to mention Sea of Thieves as a Rare success under Microsoft, but I think it’s honestly a great example of the opposite. It’s evidence that Microsoft doesn’t have a “guiding hand” the way Nintendo always has and Sony now does. The game only became good after release, after user feedback

It has been mentioned before, but if this actually was about the mobile space, then Microsoft could have purchased King from Activision, and for significantly less money. They very much want the whole hog.

Not a turn-based Zelda game. Mainline Zelda games being turned-based for the foreseeable future. That’s the discussion here: This isn’t an action Dragon Age spinoff, the franchise has become action.

It never gets old hearing a comment along the lines of “I don’t understand why people have a problem with game series X now that it more closely matches my personal gaming preferences.”

I read the article and these comments, but am not too involved in music, so I’m still slightly confused. Is Petra transgender and Sam Smith nonbinary? If so, the article does not make both those things clear.

I think it represents a schism amongst players. Some, such as myself, love backtracking in games because it twofold represents solving a puzzle (finding/remembering that closed-off area) and optional bonuses (versus more linear content where it feels like the game expects you to find everything and feels far less