
In the corporate world, shareholders are the customers and the customers are the product!

I don’t understand the obsession some car manufacturers have with not letting their cars get damaged!

There is certainly something gratifying about making your own roms. I’ve been ripping my old GameCube games to play on a Wii U emulator and it’s fantastic.

Nintendo would argue that doesn’t matter, the creators would argue it’s an important distinction, and until we start getting some definitive rulings in disputes like this I’m going to have to keep typing this out at the end of every post about it!

And, like I said, I’m biased! For a very petty reason!

I issued a correction below, I don’t think she actually denied it. I’m also not calling her bad for doing what she did. Just that it wasn’t particularly tactful, not down-to-earth. Whether a person actually cares about how friendly another person is is another story, but “what happened” was asked, and just like you

Yeah, the choices seem pretty lame other than Honey Bee. I mean, two Aerith flower displays but zero Shinra? Come on!

I might be wrong about her comments on the photos. She may not have denied them, just called anyone who viewed the photos as scummy.

I will admit that my personal take on Jennifer Lawrence is pretty biased, ever since she got the role of Catniss when I felt Emily Browning was a much more fitting actress for the character. Lawrence is very up and down for me as an actress, some of her performances were pretty great, but overall I’d call her a bit of

Spend enough time on the site and, regardless of whether the algorithm has your number or not, it’s possible a MrBeast video will appear on your Home page.

It’s honestly better that they went with inside-out tracking, which is the superior option 90% of the time.

Maybe, but the purchase also fits Microsoft’s MO: They throw everything at the wall, see what sticks, and lock it down. They let go of Bungie but kept Halo (because good IP trumps good developers?). They purchased Gears of War from Epic because that was making them good money. They bought Mojang for literally one

With such huge net negatives, are those Chinese companies subsidized by the government?

If you’re the kind of CEO that’s been righting a ship, why on earth would you make the decision to spend $70B to acquire a hugely mismanaged company? Adding more spinning plates is not the way to fix management.

Buying another company and its IP literally creates nothing new. Historically, workforce size decreases post-acquisition. So mergers quite literally result in a net loss for everyone.

In some ways it feels like your comment is akin to saying “Hershey’s has literally done everything right... except create compelling chocolate.” The surprise here should be how well a gaming company has managed to fair despite a lack of compelling games!

The point is the hypothetical. A Wii Sports that had to support PC in addition to Wii could affect the Wii version negatively, that’s simply a fact. Just like a game that has to support PC can’t require the use of fast SSDs like those found in PS5 and Series X, likewise negatively affecting said game.

“Better” is certainly subjective here, but I’d argue exclusivity can do that. Because I’m pretty sure Wii Sports would suck ass on keyboard + mouse.

Square in the mid-to-late 90s was a Playstation-exclusive company. What’s so different today?

Just spitballing here, but most topics are nuanced which would result in a lot of varying replies, but the fringe views are pretty homogenous, eg “vaccines cause autism.” So perhaps the AI bot sees a small grouping of the same exact response and decides to use it. Granted, the holocaust seems pretty cut-and-dry and