I love GoW ‘18 for its gameplay mechanics and systems, not its story!
I love GoW ‘18 for its gameplay mechanics and systems, not its story!
That you think FFVII Remake is just like the original when they’re two different genres confuses me more than anything else in your post!
The distinction of progress between runs feels pretty significant, the others not-so-much.
Yes, because FF4 and FF9 are basically completely different games! /s
XCOM evolved to change its gameplay. Final Fantasy changed its genre.
If this does modernize the combat in some sense, then color me intrigued! I haven’t been able to get into an AC game since the original on PS1.
I think that might be the game he’s doing with Microsoft.
Fun Fact: One of the very first “purchased” exclusives was Microsoft buying timed exclusivity to Tales of Vesperia!
Something ironic about a company that has never purchased a single publisher becoming hostile to a competitor’s second publisher acquisition in as many years?
If you read the brief, then you’d know that the FTC is taking EU qualms into consideration as well.
It doesn’t make financial sense to limit Starfield’s audience, and yet here we are!
There was another magical snowman movie that I remember as a kid because of how sad it made me. Don’t remember the name of it, but it had an unmoving, talking snowman who has one final line of wisdom for a tearful boy before he melts away.
In effect it’s the same issue. Copyright exists so that you can financially benefit from your work. If you’re not selling that work, then the copyright is not being used. Intriguingly, trademarks have a requirement that you continue to use it less it become public domain. Copyright doesn’t have that same requirement.
One has to wonder how much thought actually went into this decision. Activision is a third party company. If they weren’t releasing CoD on Switch already, it may have been due to technical limitations.
Why don’t you manufacture your own goods instead of outsourcing to a third party? And why doesn’t that manufacturer then own the rights to the product? They made it after all.
Doesn’t it seem unfair that if I ask you to draw a picture of my character for me, it’s you who gets to keep selling that art? Why isn’t it me? It’s my character, and I paid you to make it!
Art is almost always a choice between getting paid upfront but surrendering the rights, or getting paid nothing but retaining to rights to try and sell the art yourself. The idea of commissioning art for someone else but retaining the rights should be considered abnormal, but weirdly in America that is the default for…
Costs have gone up but also down. For large studios with their own engines, costs have probably stayed relatively high. But the thing is that with newer consoles comes higher fidelity, and higher fidelity means less work needed to translate art assets to a game-ready state. Couple that with newer and better tools, and…
Or you can think about it this way: If you have 2 of a kind, there are only two cards in the entire deck that will give you three of a kind. But if you have a straight of 4, there are eight cards in the deck that will complete your straight. But your logic is essentially the birthday logic: You’re more likely to get…
Another neat to way to show this fact is by looking at Poker hands. You’re more likely to get three of a kind than you are to get a straight!