
Is this the same game that Yoshi P has previously said certain decisions about were made to appeal to younger audiences? Tho, I guess 17 is technically young of a sort.

The law kinda does, tho? There are already broad rules for determining fair use of copyright. So if we want to say that the unplayable portions of a video game constitute “performance” (which we should probably question), one of the pre-existing rules to apply is the percentage of the content. If the ratio of playable

Which I think is problematic. Video games are not a performance, they require active participation to even function properly. The original comment is more accurate — we should treat video games like cars. Driving a car in a large stadium is not considered a “performance” of said car. And these days all the computer

Ah, so that’s why Nintendo has failed to create anything new or innovative in over two decades! /s

I wasn’t disagreeing with your argument, just saying that it was a different argument and therefore didn’t really fit as a reply.

That sounds like a completely different argument. You admit to playing all the PlayStation exclusives, when the original point was the Xbox doesn’t have enough of those to justify a switch for those happy with PS.

Microsoft has a bit of a history of not releasing games; at least as far as cancelling announced games go their track record is worse than Sony and Nintendo. So the question becomes “has Phil figured out how to get games out the door while simultaneously ensuring a high quality?” Those are two major hurdles for the

Once again Nintendo gets a pass. “Exclusivity is bad” unless your name begins with N.

You could say the same thing about Elder Scrolls/Starfield, and yet here we are.

I was almost positive I saw another Christmas movie with Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez, and I was right: Very Merry Toy Store

You own the copyright because the government created the concept of a copyright and transferred those rights to you. The government could just as easily say you have no copyright to anything you produce. In fact, the very idea of a copyright was invented specifically so that it would be lost after a short period of

By this logic, Nintendo should not be doing these things. Nintendo makes no money issuing DMCAs, and they in fact lose money by doing so, thanks to the lawyers and others they pay.

I’m not sure what you’re talking about. There are no long gameplay sections where you just move forward, other than maybe some Atreus stuff? And you can skip dialogue in the game by holding X.

You might still be a bit early into the game. I have a lot of gripes with Ragnarok’s changes (I miss the old armor system), but I’d say that the story is one of the few things that is actually much better than the original. And with a few small exceptions, I’d say Ragnarok has the better late game.

I’ve said it before, but the Souls games’ highly-interconnected worlds basically make them Metroidvanias already!

I’ve always wondered whether franchise sales largely reflect a knock-on effect: If the last game was well received, does that increase the sales of the next game, regardless of the actual quality of the title itself? While it’s not mainline, in this case I’d probably say Arceus caused the knock-on effect. If the sales

While this agreement is purely commercial, the underlying issue is ultimately political in the sense that China does not allow foreign companies to operate a business inside of China.

I think the gut reaction to the game being card-based caused many to do a heel-turn, as it felt like that meant strategy would take a backseat to randomness. But it sounds like that’s not actually the case.

Why specifically black people? During the middle ages the most common non-white people were likely middle-easterners, both due to geographic proximity and the high volume of trade that Europeans had with those nations.

Sisi doubling down on a hot take? After the commenters from her last post more-or-less agreed that it actually made sense that an isolated island like FFXVI’s would have a uniform populace?