
We literally already have a cat starter that becomes humanoid. What were they thinking?

And the popularity of ITX means even moving the computer itself will be a lot easier for many. Some come with their own handles!

Makes sense, seeing as the Switch is a much older device that is likely still profitable at the current price.

Yeah, like Genshin Imp wait!

Yes. Are you trying to argue that having your own app store for your own games on a mobile device (which Epic already sued Apple for and failed, btw) is remotely in the same stratosphere as Apple taking 30% from everything sold on an iPhone? How would that make them more like Apple and Google instead of Nintendo and

If Microsoft truly believes their competitors are Google and Apple, then they’re incredibly misguided. Apple made more money on games because of iOS. Apple makes the phones and software in everyone’s pocket, which means they get a cut of every game sale or in-app purchase on an iPhone. Game Pass for PC is never going

Odd, I thought the Walking Dead sequel had been confirmed for PSVR2?

Checking out the list the other day, there is a surprisingly huge and great library of PS3 games on the service. Unfortunately, they’re all streaming-only.

Yes, I was excluding the cost of development because it’s negligible. For a static item like the one here, we’re talking a total development time of between 6 and 18 hours. Assuming the developers make $50/hr, that’s a total product cost of under $1000.

Wait, you’re suggesting there’s been no good Batman depictions?

It is entirely about it being digital. In the real world, producing an item costs money, so you want to be able to sell every item you make. If an item doesn’t sell, you discount it to offload your supply.

You call it cagey, but I call it good sales strategy: “Buy Xbox now before prices go up!”

How does the server differentiate between a pro-level player and an aimbot, tho?

Freelance artists and programmers exist in the gaming industry. Ask them if they make anywhere near $750/hr.

We should probably be looking with a raised eyebrow at anybody who complains about making $15k/month. That’s good money no matter how you slice it, and it’s only the fetishism of corporate greed that has us looking at seven figure incomes with anything other than disdain. Nobody needs that much money to live a happy

What? All I did was take your figure of $60m and split it evenly. You can’t pay more because you only have 60 mil!

Of course, we now know that 4k figure was inaccurate. She was on tap to make at least $16k because it was 4k per session, not total.

Yeah, but it’s also $15K for four days of work. Assuming the game takes around four years to produce, that’s almost 1500 days of work. That’s something in the neighborhood of $40,000 per day. On a team of hundreds, that comes out to less than $400 a day per person. So someone getting paid ten times that is quite

Imagine the massively different trajectory this series would have taken had it gone with its initial concept of original fighters!

Many are even speculating that the potential competition from Paralives led The Sims team to show off the next game early.