
No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

My guess is that this game will have a lot more of the fantastic “What if” scenarios hinted at by NPCs in the first one.

I’d say the value question weighs in single player’s favor because its more expensive to craft a compelling single player experience that lasts 20 hours or more than a comparable multiplayer experience.

Did this article change dramatically? It doesn’t say anything about every game needing a solo campaign, just that multiplayer only games should try a different pay model due to their structure requiring a steady stream of players.

No no, no, your opinion is stupid. Why would you ever HOPE for multiplayer only? Assuming the two are built by different teams - as they are - why would you want to deprive many players of something they enjoy and does nothing but add longevity to the game?

Am I supposed to respond with “Said Nobody Ever.” Is this a veiled hint at sarcasm?

you don't sound healthy

Exactly, they can’t expect him to be machine and just take it when everything you worked so hard for is getting flushed down to the toilets. This should have been handeled differently and Activision should have been more forth-comming about it. But they get their money so why bother?

He may have went overboard a bit, but Marty had every right to get angry. I would have been pissed, too. Activision suits shouldn’t have stuck their ignorant, corporate noses where they didn’t belong: creative control. Destiny has some of the most incredible music/audio of any game I’ve ever played. I’m glad Marty got

Thanks for posting this! I was always curious as to what happened in this and it’s basically what we suspected - a pissing match due to Activision.

The only reason Halo ever had an M rating was because of the Flood. I even remember back when I was in first grade and wanting to get Halo: CE that my mom let me get it because the blood that the aliens had was all colorful and what not. The Halo games were never overtly mature, but I think the Flood was the only

Anyone get a monty oum vibe from this?

Grew up hunting. Family ranch in south Texas, one of the first to actively manage whitetail deer as a herd starting in the 70s (thousands of pounds of formula-specific deer feed per week, curated oat fields, segregated populations, quota kills). The purpose of all of this was to engineer more bucks having bigger and

Don’t mask your unfounded skepticism with murmurs of what “other people said”. Own it.
Star Citizen has brought forth incredible progress over the years. The game, albeit unfinished, is playable now - with more and more being added. There is also multiple world-class teams working on this game with AAA title

Eh... bricking isn’t permanent, but it’s pretty clear in the NDA they probably signed that they had the power to do this. And if you feel you don’t want that to happen to you either, a) don’t sign the agreement or more importantly b) don’t fucking leak shit.

Ehh, no sympathy from me here, those dudes were asking for it when they started leaking stuff.

It was far from a perfect movie, yes. But I don’t get all this criticism about it not making sense. What didn’t make sense? What part didn’t you get? Ultron was trying to usher in a machine age, essentially. The next step of human evolution was what turned out to be Vision. Though, Ultron’s plan was for that to be

Agreed. I’d stayed away from all spoilers, and when the woman all but cried out, “My Baby!!!” and Hawkeye might as well have rolled his eyes and resigned himself to his fate, I knew Whedon was pulling a Whedon, and things would not go as per the trope.

I disagree quite a lot with your opinions when it comes to the Quicksilver vs Hawkeye death thing.

Great read — thanks! But the Spider-Man deal was between Sony and Marvel, not Fox (who did use Quicksilver in their X-Men films). Fox has no deals with Marvel. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch apparently exist in a netherland between properties (they were equally associated with the X-Men and Avengers) so as long as