
I wouldn't even pay 5 if its perma perma death. Otherwise thats 5 dollars wasted on a product I can never use again.

It's much better to do that than to act like it's part of the original two...

Rebooting or remaking this film at all is a travesty.

So, Ghostbusters as an SNL sketch. Great.

In the third movie, the Dol Guldur scene when Cate Blanchett showed up was AMAZING. She stole that scene, as is proper.

Well at least he fell on his sword and you got to respect him for that. You don't see that sort of thing happen much anymore.

I doubt Valve took it as a serious death threat either, but they had to show that there's consequences to acting like a prick instead of an adult.

Fuck gaters.

They were only suggesting "Robin', which wouldn't be that out of place.

I look at exclusivity as an entirely different issue. The point brought up by a number of the foaming-at-the-mouth neckbeards in those screens is a good one... at the end of the day, XBox users are being asked to pay the same amount for less content. That's shitty, either way you slice it.

I agree with the last two, but the first is always tricky. The problem with less DRM is that it means more pirating, plain and simple. You may have heard of this story, but there was the "game developer simulator" game (not the actual title) that came out a while ago. The developers of the game purposefully released a

i agree, just not feeling it. i don't hate gordon as a character, but who seriously read the comics or watched the movies and wished they would do a spin off about gordon? theres not a whole lot of places they can take this. is it just going to be a cop procedural? if so i fail to see why the gotham universe should

Lets be honest, without batman and his major enemies, this is gonna be a Cop show. Now, I like a majority of cop shows so its not necessarily a bad thing BUT they can't go to crazy with the villains since most of them don't exist yet. And by exist I mean, they may be alive but they have yet to become what they are

Oh, look, a decent series on Fox. Probably gonna get cancelled after one or two seasons, then.

Shout out to the little Wayne for scoring a potential 20 year series contract.

Well Arrow was the first show that actually did a DC comics superhero perfectly and the show has stayed entertaining so I have high hopes for this. Its going to be weird seeing Gotham and no Batman but I'm also excited Ninja. DC comics should just do everything with a tv show rather than try and compete with Marvel by

This trailer doesn't make me feel any better about this show.

I fear this show will suffer the same problem as Agents of SHIELD that people expect Batman the TV series but not really.

Your generalization of only butthurt hardcore fans being the ones that are displeased is very wrong, and dumb.

The vast majority of people who have seen it absolutely do not like the new TMNT faces, just like the vast majority of people completely rejected the idea of TMNT suddenly being aliens.

It doesn't take much