
Yep. I’m a woman who plays games, owns a gaming PC, Switch and SteamDeck, and I am not going to talk about games with most guys —because we don’t play the same games.

Good on them for the queer representation! I love that we're seeing more of that (and especially that the indie space is thriving on that front).

1. *I* haven’t purchased any jpegs, everything I paid for was done when said items were available in the game.

As a SC player/backer, it’s obviously hard to answer that question. It’s like asking someone at what point will they decide to divorce their spouse....most people in a decent marriage won’t be able to answer that ahead of time; they’ll know when they reach that point.
For me personally I’ve basically stopped giving

I swear a larger group of man babies has never existed.

I worked with a patient who had a stroke because she was puking so much and so hard due to food poisoning. This is my Christmas wish for him,  and so many others. 

Agreed. But just barely

I would prefer he choke on his breakfast, this morning, and I want it to be super painful. I am so tired of hearing his name and seeing his face, and the world would be a much better place without him.

There is no person I hate more than Yertle the Evil Turtle. I feel physical fury and repulsion whenever I see his picture. It’s so bad that I actually feel distressed by how much I hate him. Like, I wish I hated him less so I wouldn’t have to feel this way. It’s just another of the many ways his existence has

Obviously don’t know what he’s going to do at 343, but he’s been Microsoft’s publishing creative director for years overseeing 3rd party titles. I would expect with so much work and so many cutscenes already authored, the story can’t be changed too much at this point (not without a massive delay).
I’d guess he’s more

I honestly think depressing is the best way to put this situation. I’m not angry that it was delayed, or that the game looks rough. I genuinely want it to be a massive hit because I love Halo and want the best for the series. To hear of all the problems they’re going through right now just makes me sad. 

I hear your concerns, but I don’t share them. For whatever reason, Firaxis has been running very short marketing campaigns for XCOM products for quite some time.

Or it could just be an experimental, smaller scale/smaller budget/much smaller priced fun little piece of side content put together by a small team to give fans something while waiting for XCOM 3.

It’s $10, maybe don’t overthink it so much.

I mean, it’s $10 dollars. It’s not a full price AAA title, its clearly gonna be something smaller, maybe a little weirder. I understand hesitating, but honestly, if 10 bucks is all it takes to support Firaxis and let them stretch their legs with some new gameplay ideas, I’ll be happy with a short, potentially flawed

People blaming her/her family for not finding an alternative or filing the correct paperwork:

Poverty isn’t just monetary. It is a poverty of resources, poverty of information, and poverty of advocacy. 

This country fucking sucks.

Not too tightly and remember to give her a vent.

They censored the crap out of Criminal Girls 2. Not even going to bother.

With the surge in popularity for pokemon because of go and the upcoming sun and moon. Do you think we will ever get nintendo to make a new pokemon snap title? And would you guys want to play such a thing?