
Its really disheartening, i work in the game industry and it always sucks to see people shitting on what you do. When you spend so much time trying to improve it for everyone. Anonymity on the internet lets people be their worst self.

Unfortunately, its rarely the CEOs and shareholders that get harassed, its the dev just trying to do the best he can with the resources they have. 

Optimizing is usually the last process a game gets. Only when most everything is complete do items get most optimized for playing. It makes no sense before that because core code and items change too much. Optimizing before can end up breaking systems more if you arent careful.

To be fair though, Kickstarter and the like have sold packages for 10k + before. Its really not a big thing i dont think. Most people are not going to pay that. Just people that want to.

You may say its not mandatory but you decry its existence like it is. Yeah the project might or might not be managed poorly, but if

Its hard to say. I do think they take their own work with a grain of salt and do say where they like the originals more, or where it looks bad in animation. But i do tend to agree with at least a lot of the newer ones look better in the original. Some of the old ones might be improved doing this.

I mean the emails are company emails about what they want to do. Of course they want to buy shit. And you are correct, it probably wouldnt be good for us. Though we would see the same sort of emails from Sony or any of the big publishers. 

Its weird, people are shitting on Spencer. Like you get he works for a big corporation that wants to maximize profits. And that regardless of what he feels personally its literally his job to try and make that happen for Xbox.

Like i dont know what people are expecting here. He’s not evil for considering the options

The big thing for this is they should incentivize people to go outside with better rewards for in person, or improved stuff in person. Punishing people and removing things only damages existing players.

i really want Kirby

honestly they should have just instanced the battles. I know its cool to have pokemon wandering around in the background, but it honestly would probably run smoother. And allow them to do better animations

Id honestly feel a lot more confident on these if it wasnt for Netflix. which is currently great at dropping anything they dont deem worthy after 1 season. id rather Amazon or HBO do some of these.

Timed exclusives suck, But honestly the one that makes me angry is exclusive content on Playstation but not anywhere else. So you get less if you buy it for other consoles. And honestly i hate both Sony and the Devs that allow this. Bungie *cough* Square, WB...

Im not one to throw in so easily but in this case. How about the continous use of money to get not exclusive games but even exclusive content, so that if you want the most experience you have to play on Sony console or miss out on items. Destiny did this with numerous exotic items and strikes for a while. Or Spiderman

Still devastated by this. He was such an awesome voice actor and person

Look i agree Star Citizen should have been out a while ago, and they have presumably bad management and poor control when it comes to their promises.

I think the continual nonsense is people who claim this to be a scam. Now it might end up being a mediocre or even bad game. But a scam doesnt employ hundreds of people and continually push out more updates.

Its tricky because i get the points being made, but i also think the movie will be fun. DnD at its best is nonsensical and different to each game. Some games are serious affairs with crazy stakes and consequences and some games are silly with crazy off the wall antics and more about the fun than how seriously the

When all you have time for is to work you kind of stop living and being a person. Its great if you do something you love. But for a lot of people, the point of work is so that when you dont work you can live. And hopefully live well.

So as someone in the Testing side of games myself i feel this so freaking hard. I cant tell you the number of friends in testing that all have Horror stories, but Nintendo ones specifically. I have also seen so many job descriptions listed by groups contracted with Nintendo, that literally put the part of being a

It really isnt a lot of AAA games arent announced until very close to finishing up. But more and more companies make announcements early to keep people interested in them. And Games are usually only ready and in the strict polishing stages for the last 4-6 months of its development. Anything before that and its