
That seems very fair and reasonable. The downside for what they are building is i am sure the tech is extremely hard to do. But just given what they already have is kind of impressive in its own way. I am curious to see how well the tech comes out.

I mean i also see how saying something people like is a scam will piss them off too. Its two sides of the same coin. But i maintain, you can call it a bad/slow or mismanaged game. Its not a scam in that they are working on it and they do have deliverables. 

I normally dont post much. But i feel like i should say something. Star Citizen may turn out to be a terrible game. It may inevitably end up failing or other bad things. However it is delivering on gameplay and updates pretty consistently. Meaning its not a scam. People are getting paid to work, they are working.

So many of those games are different things though. When you break it down to a specific genre and platform its not as many as you would think. Plus there is a big difference between the sci fi of warhammer 40k and the fantasy setting of warhammer. There is less here than you would think.

I do think its worth nothing a bunch of these are phone games and games of different genres. So its not like they are all carbon cutouts of the same games. Arguably there hasnt been that many of any particular genre that are that similar. 

Holy Crap that was badass. I am so pumped for this.

For me it really depends on the game. Some games could stand to be shorter, some to be longer. I love good story so as long as the story is engaging and fun i dont mind a long game. The one thing i dont care for as much that i think could be trimmed especially in Assassins Creed and similar games isnt the side quests

Really devs leave stuff all the time. Directors less so, but still more often than you think.

At least with pokemon its all on the same eco system and you can trade em. Here i feel like everything will end up sectioned off and fracture the player base. So much for hoping for this (coop) game to be cross play.

I kind of usually expect better from Luke. This is very clickbaity and doesnt even include a breakdown of the full statement they made. Just the summary so they can make a joke about it. Yes CIG has been shitty and needs to do better.

Development may have technically started earlier but i think what the poster meant is that before 2014 the team of people working on this was like 5 people. It was not even a real studio until a fair bit after the kickstarter when they had the money to actually fully hire people for it. 

I loved what PS5 showed as well. but its a little disingenuous to say MS is the only one treading the same ground a lot of the PS games were sequels or similar to previous ones also. I mean thats just how it works. Hell 2 of the most popular PS5 ones were sequels. Spiderman Miles and HZD

If you are buying their games on PC if they are first party then MS is getting money. if it is 3rd party they still get a small cut from windows. If you buy the game pass they get money. They make money if you still buy their stuff on PC. they dont take a loss. The only real loss is if you dont buy any of their games

The truth is what they want is for you to get their games. If you buy Halo on PC. Xbox is still making money. If you get the game pass to play the games. Xbox is still making money. Yes they want you to buy their console, but if you play their games, they are still earning a piece of that. 

Timed exclusive for a game is not great but whatever. Timed exclusive for content like Bungie did originally was bullshit.

It always seems to be that way. I love both consoles, they both have cool thigns. But everyone pretends that all of Sony’s games are coming out at launch and will all be Exclusive to PS5 only. And really its a small handful that are solely exclusive and most of the games they have shown are not out until next year at

I mean if you cant shit on other people for not being able to play whats the point. (sarcasm) but seriously. Console wars as a thing is old. Good games are good games. Good games drive competition and better games. Good games all around make for more fun for everyone.

I had the same thought, just need to give it some sharp teeth and make it look a little broken down.

Movements like defund the police dont want to completely get rid of the police. But they want to make sure they have oversight and also have funding towards things that make it easier for the police too. Police should not be the ones tasked with mental health checks, or homeless issues. They should have their own

I really hope they blend the two rather than going backwards. I liked a few things about the original games, but i always thought there was a lot of tedium. And i have really enjoyed Origins and Odyssey. I like the more RPG throws and am a fan of the combat in the newer games. Though they could use tweaks.