
Indeed. It'll be pretty difficult for guys to object to Lulu while still thinking it's okay to humiliate those dirty slut whore ex-girlfriends of theirs.

Especially the concern trolls. They're the worst.

Beat me to it & dogegonit perfect.

It's located in Bikini Bottom.


In a Twilight Zone twist, wouldn't it be great if the bullies had plastic surgery that would give them the large crooked nose or whatever facial issue they were harassing others about.

can we just talk about how lots of plus sized clothing options suck anyway? like ooh a peplum top, wow a flowy shapeless top how innovative how fashion!

Seriously. Go take your kid to see a movie with bunnies.

ugh, if they did this for a bunch of stuff i would be peeved. probably just a typo or w/e. what does annoy me about Target is that they don't seem to have "active wear" for plus sizes - because fat chicks don't exercise amirite? blerg.

Snoopy intentionally missed all the ducks. That's why Woodstock respects him so much.

Thanks for the Snoopy-pic, awesome Facebook-cover :D

I see nothing wrong with the men who watch and enjoy the show as adults. The ones who annoy me are the ones who crowd kids out of lines at Comicon, by up tons of product and thus drive up the price, and otherwise make it difficult for kids to enjoy a kids' cartoon.

I was waiting for someone to say this.

The first time alcohol made anyone, ever, better behaved.

Thank you.
FAS is a serious issue in Canada, in particular in poorer First Nations communities. Why anyone would make claims like this is beyond me.

We had a cousin who's mother drank while pregnant. She is permenantly stuck with the mentality and maturity of a seven year old. Why anyone would publish such shit is beyond me!

My cousin who works with autistic kids went to a work conference.