I'm disappointed that everyone seems more outraged over the headline of this article rather than the fact that a teacher sexually abused a student, got away with it and still had a position of power of children. Glad to know what your priorities are.
Females do sexually abuse other females. A family member was sexually assaulted by a female. She has had to live with the "it wasn't real rape" comments her whole life...from women. It's disgusting.
"This would not be the first time this has happened, like when I discovered there was a secret menu at In-N-Out"
You can still make those huge changes and not turn out thin. There's genetics and all sorts of health problems that can keep you not thin.
We also know what the first thing a woman would do, and it's on a similar plane.
Because it can be really bad for you and you can end up with an eating disorder.
They have more than one.
If the talking heads here in the US started doing stuff like this I might just start watching the news again.
You kids and your Tinders and your Tweets.
That poor baby! She will NEVER forget that abusive humiliation. Ever.
Sorry Sherry. I don't agree with your lifestyle, nor do I love you. Your belief in fairytales doesn't excuse your bigotry.
Why is it so horrible to not be thin? And it's pretty insulting to women who are naturally that thin to call them underweight. Some people are thin, some people are normal sized, and some people are heavy-set. It's not an insult. I'm happy to be not thin. I love my boobs, hips, butt, and thighs. They are shapely…