Did anyone else buy Noxzema because of that time Wayne said he liked the Noxzema girl on Wayne's World SNL, and wanted to look like her cause they had a crush on Wayne? I think that might have been their best advertisement.
Did anyone else buy Noxzema because of that time Wayne said he liked the Noxzema girl on Wayne's World SNL, and wanted to look like her cause they had a crush on Wayne? I think that might have been their best advertisement.
I predict orgasm level will become the female equivilent of guys having arguments over dick size.
Just had one of those, "Why is this turning me on?!" moments.
Like how I'm imagining getting Criss Angel involved with me using this, by claiming it has something to do with a magic trick?
I really want to love your gif, but it's making me feel like I've watched a Hype Williams music video. @_@
Lukensia sounds like the name of a prince from middle Earth, or something like that.
I don't think many people were focusing on her legs...
The girl in pink is Kyary Pamu Pamu. I have no idea who the second band is, but I had boots like theirs when I was dressing Goth in high school. Those boots are the complete opposite of comfortable.
Gee it's like they're just like those old timey corsets!
Glad to see finally we're realizing teachers emotionally and physically abusing students is child abuse. Especially as a child can be punished from trying to run from the classroom to safety.
Another reminder being fat isn't sexy, unless it's because you're carrying a baby.
I agree! She should've asked a Goth for good music to mourn to instead.
Or perhaps being fat is normal for many people genetically, when they have access to food. Your argument seems to be that because people in other countries with less access to food are thin, being fat isn't normal. Is starvation normal because there are more people starving in other countries? It's a unequal…
Being kind and considerate of others is HHAAARRRRDD!
What is this gif from?