I'm persecuted, for believing in my...religion. They won't let me speak the truth, I am a martyr like Christ. They force me to believe homosexuals shouldn't be punished. Soon my kind...will be no more.
I'm persecuted, for believing in my...religion. They won't let me speak the truth, I am a martyr like Christ. They force me to believe homosexuals shouldn't be punished. Soon my kind...will be no more.
Fat hate and bigotry is NOT welcome here. Weight is 80% genetics, you are just as much of a bully as her!
Bullied, well not everyone is going to like you! *stomps away like a smug self-satisfied toddler*
HELP! HELP! They're persecuting me for being a religious bigot! WWWAAAHHH!
Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! You surely can find another place on the web to be a unrepentant grouch!
This reminded me a lot of Dead Ringers by David Cronenberg.
Every restaurant must be family friendly now, or bullied into it by the "Parents are above rules!" crowd? We have children killing themselves and others because of school bullies. Bullies who likely learned that rules don't apply to them by their bully parents. Children raised by parents so vicious they will slander a…
You mean the village should be on call to parent children, when their parents won't or can't? They chose to have a child, it's their responsibility.
Meanwhile parents abuse those like that girl once they become adults. She'll be screamed at, told to stay home if she can't tolerate small children. You have the power to make the world better for her, by not tolerating bully parents now.
Don't like it, leave.
I know about it. Parents turning into abusive monsters, making strangers cry for not worshiping their child. I'm well aware how cruel parents of small children can be.
Parents have no common sense these days, their only thoughts are "BABY! BABY! BABY!"
So everyone would be locked in with a screaming brat, the parents should hope they don't make their kid a science experiment to teach them a lesson.
Not defending bringing an infant to a fancy restaurant...
Good, parents can't understand complex things these days it seems anyways. A simple no children will make it easier for them to understand.
Sounds like vicious gossip from the parent bullies who will ruin any restaurant that says no to them. Shame on you!
Never say it in earshot, or you might get snapped at with "THIS IS A FAMILY RESTAURANT!" Happened to me once, the parent just blurted it out like the angry adult child they were.
I refuse to eat at Alinea or any of the restaurants using this stupid ticket model.
There are few if any places people can go these days without out of control, screaming children and parents. One place tells them no, they will bully the restaurant until they and their child get in. That's what this story is about, a parent didn't get her way, made the restaurant have to defend themselves because no…