I'm sure they're heart broken they've driven away the entitled parents crowd.
I'm sure they're heart broken they've driven away the entitled parents crowd.
I do not put up with stroller bullies. It's like parents become blind when using a stroller!
The babysitter cancelled, they had a fancy dinner. Oh what could they do, they had no choice! They were forced to choose between their child and a restaurant. It was like torture, how could they leave their young? It was Sophie's Choice, to sacrifice their child, or make the dinner they paid for. They paced the room…
Just parents, they think their baby is a golden ticket to getting them whatever they want, instead of a smaller human being.
What I love about this comic, is it shows how immature the parents are. "THE MEAN MEAN MAN WOULDN'T LET ME BRING BBBBAAAYYYBBBBEEEE!" This is why people hate parents with young kids at restaurants, tell them no, you risk an adult sized version of a toddler tantrum.
Teenagers behave better than the entitle minded parents of today.
At least for the amusement of parents crying, "IT'S CHILDIST! WWWAAAHHHH!" Parents honestly believe not allowing children to run through restaurants like animals is a matter of discrimination. "Evwy bahby deserves a chance! Goo!"
It's because our society won't say no to parents, so now they've become adult versions of toddlers with tantrum problems.
What are the parents excuse, I mean, they should be more intelligent than a baby about restaurants, right?
We'll just mind our own business then when the oblivious parents let their child play in traffic then.
Tumblr promotes eating disorders more than 4chan. They've even protected people with eating disorders who have mercilessly bullied fat people off Tumblr, while pretending they're victims because they can't "love their bones".
Is that Creepy-Chan?
I just try to send the message. Kid kicking seat? Lower the seat all the way back let them kick the air. Parent wants to put their child's foot on your armrest, this happened with a baby, I put the armrests up. The parents acted shocked as a baby themselves, asked then if I'd put the armrests down. They should've…
If that was my friend I'd tell them I can't be friends with them, I can't be friends with anyone supporting the idea that bad parents shouldn't be called bad parents, and happy that society is rewarding them taking their child with them like a purse dog to a place they could be in harms way.
Funny how parents will wish ill on other people's future children, how would you like it if someone wished harm towards your child?
If I see the parent tending to their crying child I have no problem. If the parent is staring off into space like a Heroin junkie on a high while their child wails helplessly, then I have a problem, that is public child neglect. Too tired to tend to your child in public, and unable to do much else than stare as if…
Because parents of young children being told no, is always an incident with parents.
Nice, no really. Did you know some people through no fault of their own have sound sensitivity and can't tolerate the noise of children? You essentially told them all they should kill themselves, because they force parents to have to be parents. How would you or any of the other parents feel if their child was told to…