
That's a good time to ask the parents, "And how old are you?" to insinuate you know only a parent of a 4 year old, who thinks at the age level of a four year old, would think claiming they're turning 5 and standing like an angry pouting child getting away with bad behavior would think that's cute or clever. Or you

I think you mean they're confusing parenting, the act of properly caring for one's young, with apathy being emotionless or disinterested. If the parent is apathetic that means they lack interest in how they or their child affects others. Apathetic parents tend to have trouble learning on their own their child is

The badly behaving children could be good for teaching the others why behaving well is important.

Yes the chef must understand the parents were too special to know where their child isn't welcome? Would the parents prefer being regarded as too dumb to breathe or having a chef point out they acted like naughty children?

Heavens! Parents actually being embarrassed for their behavior? But the darlings just didn't know any better! Bless their hearts!

Isn't it so pathetic when parents hide behind their own children to get their way?

So you hate fat people too, now not only will your child be a victim of Munchausen by Proxy, but having a starvation eating disorder too?

People are not nasty to those with disabilities. Hold on, as I have to catch my breath from laughter! The people who have been the most cruel to adults with disabilities, are parents of small children. I have Autism, I have sound sensitivity. I have been glared down, and intimidated by parents of small children for

Not unless the place wants parents holding organized protests, and crayon drawings of parents with frowny faces standing outside their restaurant as their juvenile acts of protest.

I hate that, they tell "KIDS DO THAT!" and I just think, monster...monster. That poor child is being raised by a monster.

There's nothing you can do, I consider these parents to be like feral children. Tell them watch your child, "SSSCCCCCRREEEECCCHHH!" Ask them to clean up after themselves, "AAAAAHHHHHHHBLEHBLEHBLEH!"

Parents of young children apparently don't care that bringing their baby to a 3 star restaurant, is the adult version of a toddler walking into mommy's fancy dinner party, holding their finger to their mouth and saying "Goo?" because they don't know why they're not invited. It's as if giving birth causes one to forget

I really am starting to believe most parents simply don't care how overstimulating a place might be for their child.

So lets see, parents don't have the sense to know where their young children/babies aren't wanted, and parents are the victims of non-parents who want them to control their kids instead of screaming at them like a psychopath. So, is Jezebel buying into getting pageviews by playing into parents persecution complexes?

I blame the freemium games that ask you to pay real world cash to advance in games!

The more pretty men the better!

I'm sure Wacky Deli is to blame for this!

Sociopaths are masters when it comes to feigning having human emotions when it serves them to. That's how my cyberbully got Tumblr to help them doxx and abuse me. They're also good at making their victims who beg and beg that they stop look like victimizers. It's amazing how even people who know what it's like to face