So this is now going to be a spaceballs fan game, right?
The day companies get penalized for the day we have democracy back...
It’s been like this for a long time. I blame focus groups. If you get a bunch of teenage boys in a room and ask them what kind of games they like, they will take turns trying to “out tough” each other. But when these same kids are home alone they might really enjoy a mario game or something more happy and silly. I…
So what is the Secret of Monkey Island?
I’m certain you get asked this all the time, but come on: Psychonauts 2?
For retail release it's doubtful. But frankly digital distribution is avery real thing. For a lot of games, especially ones based on popular franchises like Gundam I doubt that there isn't enough demand to cover the costs of a digital release. Especially if they don't do a full localisation (ie dubbing). I think…
I cannot imagine the sheer hours of screaming, grunting and shouting that have gone into dubbing Dragon Ball Z over…
Few things are missing:
1. Forgetable run of the mill symphony orchestra soundtrack
Yea. Courtesy of xbox live and blizzard, the future of the USA is basically doomed. I cringe every time I have to game multiplayer or even converse online.
The issue is that it should't have to default to the fans having to do anything. 'Fostering goodwill' is the key thing here. Developing a framework for online play that can easily be switched to a non EA back-end when the game reaches 'end of life' should be something all developers/publishers build into their…
You know, you could like...release the tools or hell, even a patch that allows people to play these games without being hooked up to the mothership. But no, instead of fostering goodwill with your customer base you decide on strengthening your campaign to win back 'Worst Company of the Year' for 2015. Well done EA,…
I've been dying since the nineties, too.
It's the other other IP that Bilzzard ripped off.
Just about every Smash Bros. player I know is in the latter category. I don't know if it's funny or sad.
We're Americans. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?