(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
Frankly, this sounds like a really good one to watch - it might be the breast one of the season.
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
Frankly, this sounds like a really good one to watch - it might be the breast one of the season.
Well it is canon.
Bombs are all wrapped TNT or big black balls with fuses coming out the top, duh.
Lesse...article about Final Fantasy VII...lets pull out the checklist:
Not raiding at all is one of the best ways to enjoy a MMO. No drama, no douches, no bullshit.
Can't stick around, the cops have to be ditched
Don't get me wrong - I love Steve Blum. But Cathal Dodd Wolverine is BEST Wolverine.
this is completely true, i don't have autism or aspergers but i do have social anxiety, OCD and depression and i've realized that the majority of the time that people talk about NICE GUYS TM they are referring to people with mild to moderate mental health disorders.
those same people should also be THANKING Nintendo because if it wasn't for them the game wouldn't have ever been made in the first place.
I loathe subversion and subtlety - it's exhausting and requires too much indirectness and social manipulation/juggling. Being overt sure makes enemies but it also makes true friends and everyone always know where they stand so misunderstandings are kept to a minimum. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say? What…
Well. Shit.
You seem to be making a ridiculous amount of negative generalizations about people. Some guys are just shy or socially awkward and have difficulty being assertive when expressing their interest in a girl. You are making them out to be some sort of comic book villains with convoluted, intricate schemes to seduce…
Generalize much? way to frame an indecisive women as the victim , when she is doing the exact same thing as the man by not confronting, yet somehow , its all his fault that she cant she doesn't like him. If hes in the Quasi state like schrodeinger then what the fuck state is she in , THE EXACT SAME ONE. So dont…
You can't tell women to be empowered and defy social norms, and then point to social norms when people say "wait, why don't you just tell them how you feel?" That's a ridiculous double standard that unfairly absolves all women of any responsibility in a social setting.