
This is the woman people were threatening to rape because of some internet faggotry, right? Well smart move, EA. Now when you guys, inevitably, fuck up Star Wars Battlefront III the wrath of the internet can blame it on her rather than the shitty and soulless metadata driven design choices made by your corporate,

It's literally, not, as is evident by games like FFXIV. Do not tell me how to enjoy my games and I won't tell you how to enjoy yours.

I'm sorry we can't all be hardcore, leet PVPers and raid masters like you. I'm sorry some of us don't like the drama and trolling that is often associated with those aspects of MMOs. I'm sorry we derive enjoyment from the slower and more relaxed of PvE than what ever it is you get out of MMOs.

My prediction? The action screen time of the turtles will pale in comparison to that of any law enforcement or military personnel or equipment. This is Mr Bay'splosions, after all.

Cute dog > Bringing back dead girl friend.

Gotta pay for that Star Wars sequel some how, I guess....

How about this time around they make 85% of the game into DLC (charging you the full market value of a complete game for a partly 15% of an actual game) and to save even MORE money on the game's development they completely skip the QA segment of the game's development, since only playing for a half assed QA segment

If you fill up enough sticker sheets you get a free coffee.

Even when they're based on actual people or events they're still coincidental because the disclaimer says so. It's a meaningless disclaimer that's over used and often used disingenuously or in blatant contradiction to the reality of what and who inspired the material in question.

The man was a huge nerd. It's hard to imagine someone as ripped and bad ass as a traditional nerd but the man grew up on a steady diet of D&D and Lord of The Rings. Just goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover.


Running around at the speed of crime! Got no where to go I've got to RUN FROM THE POE POE!

Cathal Dodd is, hands down, my favorite Wolverine voice actor, bub.

If he used his claws half as much as he just kicked, kneed, punched and head butted in the old , 90s cartoon there wouldn't be a need for the rest of the X-men (and it would probably be a very, VERY bloody cartoon)

If they called them pretty princess bunny suits sales and interest in the game would plummet. Even more than if they called them mechs, I'd gather.

Christ you people are fucking dumb. I'm remembering now why I stopped commenting on Kotaku, the average level of intelligence has gone through the floor.

Christ All Mighty, there needs to be a sarcasm. Then again if the GIF wasn't a hint I guess there's no hope for some of you people.

Really? They're tying this to the movie? What, it wasn't good enough they took everything good from the first War for Cybertron game and replaced it with CoD style story pacing, air strikes, hold-your-position-enemy-waves and generic grit?

Jagers are mechs. Walkers are zombies. No one has ever pretended they are anything other than what they really are.

Oh, no I'm totally stoked about the game. I'm poking fun at the marketing department's refusal to call the mechs in the game mechs. Not that they have named the type of mechs Titans (after all Gundams are Mobile Suits which are mechs) but to straight up say something along the lines of "Mech is a dirty word. There are