
I'm really not seeing the difference.

Don't confuse cause and effect. I generally hate other people hence I stay in and game and shit. Not the other way around.


I though Kingdom harts was kinda Simple and Clean. FF7 was more, like, working with limited polygons.

Like a loyal dog they patiently wait for their master's return. They continue to toil, not for lack of any other purpose but out of love for their absent creators so that everything will be ready upon their return.

For the average modern gamer? Yes. It goes: Graphics, brand recondition, multiplayer, developer, platform, genre, gameplay. In roughly that order. The average modern gamer is a shallow creature of habit that feeds upon familiarity and craves stagnation.

There are numerous games that are developed, published and distributed on the PC that have substantially lower budgets than the AAA garbage you see these days that are aimed at significantly smaller audiences than said AAA games. These games are nowhere near 60 dollars in value but are, none the less, quality

QUOTE | Console and PC guys should learn [about] variable pricing ... $60 is a giant FU to a very large number of people."—Former EA CEO John Riccitiello, on what traditional game devs can learn from mobile and vice-versa.

Half Life 3.

So what your initial argument? That Bayonetta was just a doll or store mannequin? You seemed to then imply that my dislike of several of the characters I listed was just that, a dislike for them rather than shitty writing and then I think you compared Lara Croft to Bayonetta. Your argument seems rather subjective as

Well since Bayonetta had a fleshed out story, history, was driven by her own goals and desires and we were given a look into her character based on how she interested with others and the emotion she displayed while doing so I'd say you're going to have to show me yours before I show you mine.

Jesus taught us that the poor and sick should be left to die unless they get a job and stop being so lazy. And educations are just part of the liberal indoctrination by which they fill your head with logic and reasoning skills to cloud you confuse you. If 'murica wasn't the greatest country in the world they why are

God bless America!

This is 'Murica. We don't have job centers, we have Wal Marts and McDonald's.

That chick from Heavenly Sword, all female space or fantasy armor from every game ever made, the chicks from God of War that Kratos bangs, the women of Mass Effect being cheese at the end of a chat maze, the half naked women that permeate the air in Los Santos, old school Lara Croft, new school Lara Croft (for some

There are so many worse examples of objectification of women in gaming. I can only assume that their choice to shine the spot light on her (several years after the game's launch, of course) is likely to both:

Oh cool. Bayonetta's getting some press.

You know what would be even more awesome? If you had decent view of the combat. Something dynamic that changed angles and focus so you always have the best angle on what's happening. Or, in the event that you're controlling the pokemon and not watching a GCI video, a third person perspective so you could better keep

Wow. Just... wow.

Naturally it's funded my the military. It's like the only way to get research funds in the US anymore. If we said there was oil on the moon we'd be there in side of a month with space ships that make the Rodger Young from Star Ship Troopers look like an antique and NASA would become another arm of the military. That's