
I should think it was obvious I wan't referring to die hard JRPG fans. While some do hate the grind there are those troglodytes out there who view any sort of random encounter system as a grind and would sooner avoid combat between their plot. They are the same dimwits who WILL then complain that the boss fights are

I'm talking about random fuck-nuggets on the internet. The ones who like to complain about how every game isn't like Mass Effect or CoD. The ones who want JRPGs to be less like JRPGs and more like who knows what but still have no intention of buying said game even if it got the revamps they demand.

A poorly named asset, to be sure. It implies that it's a commonly shared sense, which it is not.

Yeah escort missions..... because running through a pipe shaped level shooting brown skinned terrorists or Russians for the 100th time is such a more interest dead horse to beat. Oh and multplayer up the ass.

But bland and formulaic sells. Just look at every last AAA game on the market by some big name publisher today.

Oh look, you can avoid all of those random encounters. Naturally everyone who does won't complain about how hard it is to fight bosses when they're all grossly under level to face them, right?

Why is there a bone coming out of that Miltank's nipple?

Normally I'd play the "realism is boring as shit" card but this is crossing the line, a bit. They character designs simply clash with the rest of the game's look and feel. If this were a JRPG or some zanny and surreal military shooter game this sort of deal could fly. Sure, it might piss some people off but you're not

Hey, I never said it wasn't funny.

Ah gay rape jokes. Always in good tastes.

Star Trek First Contact. The one with the time travel and the borg.

That's if you select Phantom Limb as a special father in the character select screen!

There are 2 things that need to be addressed in the event the soonest patch fails to fix things.

I love AMD's processors and the motherboards they sit on but I've had numerous bad experiences with ATI cards.

I hope we can see more VNs this way. Would be a good way to gauge the popularity of them. They should put Clannad and Kanon up there too (both have non-adult versions, I believe)

Be cause lens flairs gets his rocks off above everything else.

The blinding light always kinda made me chuckle. It makes nipples seem more magical than they already are.

Yes yes, but when is Final Fantasy XXVII coming out?

Especially in western story telling men are often candidate number 1 for the villain. If a woman is the villain she's usually depicted as being damaged, confused, crazy, acting off of misguided maternal instincts (see crazy), out of love and devotion to her love interest or some other characteristic that is supposed

Way to stay classy Microsoft.