
Add me to the GesTrumpo watch list!

When I throw my underwear on stage at his concert.

The department names are always changing and merging. Fesra ( floodway and east side road authority) is becoming part of Manitoba infrastructure, which used to be Manitoba infrastructure and transportation. The files are almost always copied over (or rather they stay put because our OU’s in AD need the existing

It’ll still be on display in an unlit basement with no stairs, in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard.”

Why do you say that? They have been very outspoken about their disbelief in climate change, and started a witch hunt in the EPA before he even took office. I think it’s wise to back that data up in the event Trump and his administration try to pull (another) fast one.

There is none. That said, there are strong indications that they intend to either wipe out, or reduce access to, valuable data related to climate change. That indication comes from Trump and almost every single member of his cabinet, either through the words they say or the actions they take (like trying to

“If it sounds strange and exotic and foreign (preferably Eastern*), it must be true.”

It’s the hottest year since humans have kept records. Has the earth been hotter?yes earth’s atmosphere was different in the past and the continents were in different locations. We also have core samples from glaciers going back thousands of years

So that is what it comes down to?
Rewriting history for the benefits of the few, and the harm of the many.

destroying scientific, research and humanity’s knowledge, so to control the outcome of the information, and dumb down the people, so there is less questioning.
Honestly, that tactic is used in Iran, Syria, North

I don’t think you fully appreciate the scale of the wealth that is threatened by scientific knowledge.

the average standard at my current firm is $250/hr and the rule of thumb in legal billing is 6 minute intervals so i could get 12 minutes here...i’ve also been at big international firms and my $54 wouldn’t get me a cup of coffee....not even folgers.

Completely agree. If it’s public-facing, they need to grab it now. And hopefully these agencies have done a good job of making that stuff available.

But I imagine that some of these programs might stop publishing their data long before it stops getting collected in an automated fashion (e.g. from climate satellites,

I’m having OTA flashbacks again.

The likely problem is that it there’s a high chance of that it would never make it to the library of congress.

Climate Change is a global problem. We are all screwed unless we do something about it, as a species.

So, what they’re anticipating happening is like a book burning, right?

Similar things have almost certainly happened in the past, in terms of temperature variation. We can tell from δ18O measurements in ancient corals, ice cores, etc. among other things

One such example is the warming that occurred during and after the Siberian Traps eruption 250 mya, likely caused by the release of large

So check it out because I find this really fascinating (no sarcasm), through things like fossils, and ice core samples, we can literally dig into the past. Using what we’ve learned over the years, and the techniques, experiments, and statistics calculations we’ve refined, we can look back across the span of millions

I’ve probably been on that list for a while. Eventually there’s a price to pay, and I’ll be damned before I back down because of fear.

Just a couple of editorial notes here (Not defending DJT, science has spoken.):