
I & my colleagues are in the thick of this and it defies understanding that we gotta deal with this jackass and his imbecilic cronies and cabinet appointees to simple have them understand facts. We are not politicizing the research nor the facts. We are collecting the data and publishing the findings. Facts are

Surely science comes in somewhere on a gadgets/science/genre blog? And science policy affects science.

Open data sharing is usually a commons with source attribution. Scraping it in bulk is almost certainly legally gray though.  At this point, the legality doesn’t matter. Preserving it without taint is the key goal. Its too important to allow the vulgarities of whim and spite to even remotely affect it. Some of the

Are Hoaxsters The New Face Of Hipsters? President Elect Trump Decides

It’s going to be the opposite. to prove his point about global warming being a hoax he’s going to make a winter so yuuuuuge... He’ll call it “nuclear winter”


Aaron Swartz would be proud.

Technically, the people of the United States own that data, but there are probably laws in place preventing citizens from scraping that data and claiming it as their own work.

what’s sad is people still believe that Climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese... and there is a child smuggling ring behind a pizzeria... and that Trump will help them.

It’s sad that this is what it’s come to. But maybe this is also where it begins...protecting ourselves from the government.

I still find it amazing that the invulnerably ignorant Repubs take over the Executive branch of gov tomorrow. Pathetic pitch fork-toting mobs of Repub appointees dedicated to expunging facts from how our government comports itself—jesus. Anything to curry favor with their masters—such as the Koch brothers.

I have come to a theory that one’s appreaciation of a Pratchett book is directly related to how much of a healthy appreciation they have for dad jokes. I think the man is frequently brilliant, but he has a distinct sense of humor, and that sense is:

It will leave you bawling and in tears from a few chapters in, so I’m not sure how well it will work as a pick-me-up.

“God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players*, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with

And Nicely.

Have you read Small Gods?

Just in time for the actual Apocalypse!

Agnes Nutter predicted this.

That’s basically the premise of Seveneves.