
I forgive the interblogz that makes all of its money off of clicks and advertisement their clickbaity headlines, but yes, I am feeling the exact same level of “Very Big Hot, Not Make Touch” as before. The close-ups are definitely a bit more awe-inspiring, especially the first one that makes you realize that the Sun

Maybe I’m missing something, but they look exactly as terrifying to me as they did before.

Where I come from Trumpoids are hemorrhoids.

That’s one of the things that always gets me about humans.. always insisting on A -or- B as the correct answer, when nature is far more likely to prefer a bit of A -and- a bit of B in some varied ratio.

I’m not a scientist, myself; only a fan. So I can’t speak with any authority to the validity of the study’s conclusions. It is in a peer reviewed journal, however, so presumably others will look into the results with further analysis.

lol at the shitty attempt to put observation and scientific consensus at odds with each other.

Umm, the correct term is sheeple.

Consensus is obtained through observation.

Teach the controversy:

Thanks, fairy Obama.

It would appear new information was attained since that article was written. The article here claims that models show that two major factors are at play: termites and self-organizing plants.

As a Canadian, +1 for including the metric sizes!

Well done! Some points off for not calling anyone a sheep or saying “Wake up!”, though. (It’s the little details that really sell the character.)

No, CURRENTLY they don’t have any OBSERVABLE damage on the human body, but life has a way of evolving and there aren’t any indepth studies as to the long term effects of juggling genetic strains.

Fake news. Can we please hear from accredited Ancient Astronaut theorists? 

Throughout history, every mystery ever solved turned out to be Not Magic ~Tim Minchin

Welcome to the post-fact world, everyone.

You have zero evidence, period, but you “they” were right. The burden of proof is on you.

The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have found GMO’s to be safe and are among THOUSANDS of other studies confirming the same thing. And while I’m not saying that science is always infallible in its findings, what exactly have the “forward thinking people” found to disprove these heavily

Rule 34, right there.