
Marcy reminds me somewhat of Honey from Doonesbury.

Next week, by the forecasts.

I’m still walking to work in a hoody. And I live in Calgary.

And are you still a partner?

...i could paraphrase Zim all day...

So they ducked down the alleyway looking for a new friend, then. Some nice Ostrogoth.

Important point. Also, did they need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows?

And such small portions.

It seems to be a bit worse than that - check this.

Still a significant number of veterans and people who were young during the war alive, I believe, and they have a great effect on how the conflict is remembered in Russia.

I’m not trying to make him out to be better than he is - what you say is true, but he knew that he couldn’t get away with saying these things except in private. The political climate forced him to the left. I like that.

I don’t think that Americans’ opinions of Trudeau are of any real importance here. And think back a year and a week - the Liberals were a huge relief. Admittedly, it would have been nice to see the NDs grab the ring and it might seem like more and more of a sadly missed chance as time goes on, but we aren’t dealing

No, actually I wasn’t aware of the other one. Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll keep an eye on it. 

Do that and we’ll torch the White House again. Wasn’t hard last time.

When was the last time you heard of someone in Canada being bankrupted because of uninsured medical costs?

Naw. Just shitty.

No, never.

McLean’s hasn’t been in any sense evenhanded in its coverage of Canadian politics since they installed that right-wing dingleberry Kenneth Whyte as editor. You can’t expect Conrad Black’s former helmet-polisher to take anything like an unbiased stance on anything to do with Liberals.


Not really. A Canadian conservative is some way to the left of even a bod-standard American liberal - Harper never questioned universal single-payer health care, for instance, and apologized to the First Nations for the residential school business without being held at gunpoint.