
Isn’t it safe to assume here that guys like Hawking and Gates wouldn’t be making statements like these unless they had been made aware of the technical issues involved? I mean it’s not like they’re reality TV hosts.

Easy to tackle the “opposite” element too. Just do vaccines at churches and use a different vaccine for the public.

Your You’re

I generally try to avoid doing this, but the affect/effect one gets me. Almost as much as less/fewer. Or, *starts shaking angrily*, farther/further.

How does bombardment effect our atmosphere and our biosphere?

Hillary released her tax returns. As far as I know, she didn’t collude with a foreign power to destroy her opponent. I know these things don’t matter to you. They are all true but you’ll ignore them and the ramifications of them and cling to your “alternative facts”. In short, you’re exactly the kind of voter

I’ve been a classroom teacher for 25 years, and I am on solid ground when I tell you that critical thinking skills are definitely in decline among younger folks, despite my and others’ best efforts. If anything they are smarter in other ways, and have information at their disposal that would have made my student life

You don’t know what a Boomer is. By definition, they were born in ‘45 or later.

He also scammed students trying to get an education, fucked over investors and works at multiple companies so he could keep a large share of his money, and racially discriminated in low income housing projects. Oh, and he’s had PLENTY of his products made overseas. And if you’re talking about that plant in Indiana,

I think your argument ignores a field of study called economics and, I think you have fallen into the trap of believing what “sounds good is good.” Costs are always borne by somebody. The only thing President Trump’s “deals” succeed in doing is shifting the burden from the producer to the consumer and provide further

See, you’re part of the problem.

The Jetsons is exactly what you just described - ignorant wage slaves pushing buttons they don’t understand so they can go home to their corporate-curated home lives surrounded by technology they don’t understand. George can’t even work his freaking treadmill!

Nice try, but when enlightened non-Trump voters point out how 2+2=4, the dumbass Trumpkins do not get to shout 2+2=3 just because Cheetolini tells them to. Facts are still facts.

That just makes expressing a dissenting opinion not possible.

Even if they had the internet in 1920, a coal miner or a stay at home mom probably would not have the arrogance to believe they could make better decisions than a doctor.

““ when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; “

We’ve had Presidents just as bad in the past. And we’ve had citizens that were even worse. We’ve had people nearly as bad as Hitler calling the shots and making them. Note I am in no way defending Herr Asshat. The issue is each of those Presidents fucked us over something fierce before they bowed out. And none of them

Now playing

I dunno dude/lady/internet presence. Nixon was pretty racist; Reagan was homophobic. I don’t recall seeing any POC in The Jetsons, and no women working at Cogswell Cogs or Spacely Sprockets, either.

I don’t know about no hard times. Having your legs blown off in Vietnam is a pretty rough hand to be dealt. But in terms of technology, yes, spot on. The history of the United States from 1965 to today is the history of one dominant generation constantly changing its demands, which are invariably imposed on everyone