
Well, they needed that bypass, and we didn’t fill out the proper forms to object until it was too late.

....aaaand this is how they end up eating us.

I’m 39 years old and only learned about the women who calculated the moon landing last year. Not only should I have known about this sooner, but so should have all of the U.S.!

I was incredibly lucky to go a private Catholic but extremely liberal, college prep all-girls school which required four years of both math and science to graduate. For math, it was algebra, geometry, trigonometry and then Calculus if you were smart enough senior year or one semester each of Statistics and second

The movie was great and it was inspirational to my daughters. I kept getting dust in my eyes though through out the various scenes...very difficult to manage.

For the love of god, no one show this to Paul Ryan.

The OP was talking about the voters, not a list of Democratic politician but actual white southern voters who switched sides aided by people like Nixon and Lee Atwater who appealed to white racist voters to vote for them.

Clearly the longed lived rats are being rewarded for staying out of my house and not eating my stuff.

See Nixson’s Southern Strategy.

I’m sure you can just google it but prominent Dixiecrats that rebelled against the Democrats in the 60s include George Wallace and Jesse Helms in addition to the aforementioned Storm Thurmond. It was the break with other democrats following the Civil Rights Act that led to their defection to Barry Goldwater camp.

The House of Kingston! Motto: We Are Three.

yep...the Dixiecrats were an actual party that broke from the Dems after WW2 and were really the clan.

Jefferson’s party was the Democratic Republicans, founded in 1800. The current Republican party got its start in the 1850s.

The years gained are never at the right end of one’s life.

Fun fact: Gene Autry (1907-1998) was a remarkable guy. He made nearly 100 movies as the “Singing Cowboy”, some with strong science fiction themes; that’s right, a sci fi western. During WW-II he served as a pilot flying cargo planes across “The Hump” over the Himalayas between India and China, a very risky route. He

correct Artio!

I would guess from the tips in. Meaning first the stinger(?) split to look like little antennae, and it helped them find prey or scare off predators. Then the antennae got longer. Then the bit right before the antennae got a little more bulbous and got a little better at fooling other animals. At some point (probably

I don’t think this surprising for the simple reason that party name has had little to do with political ideology. The Republican Party is an excellent example of this. People erroneously associate it with a “conservative” or right wing branch of government but when we think of the Republican Party of the past it

The updated resume is all part of a clever (and colossal) con, and the First Doctor will be visiting Westeros in Season Seven.

Like the way evolution always work: it never set to look like that, there was no plan to get there. Instead, every single *tiny* random little changes towards it were a small but significant survival advantage to this species, and so the trait stuck. Then another one, etc. It most likely started with a simple black